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Friday, March 14, 2025

Solis becomes third listed SME


Peter Christopher
185 days ago
Group managing director of Eric Solis Marketing Ltd, Rishi Baddaloo, shakes the hand of CEO of the Trinidad and Tobago Stock Exchange Eva Mitchell following a short listing ceremony for Solis at the Trinidad and Tobago Stock Exchange, Independence Square, Port-of-Spain yesterday.

Group managing director of Eric Solis Marketing Ltd, Rishi Baddaloo, shakes the hand of CEO of the Trinidad and Tobago Stock Exchange Eva Mitchell following a short listing ceremony for Solis at the Trinidad and Tobago Stock Exchange, Independence Square, Port-of-Spain yesterday.


Er­ic So­lis Mar­ket­ing Ltd has be­come the third Small and Medi­um En­ter­prise (SME)to be list­ed on the Trinidad and To­ba­go Stock Ex­change (TTSE).

TTSE man­ag­er of mar­ket op­er­a­tions Jase Tor­ry, hailed the de­ci­sion by Er­ic So­lis to get list­ed dur­ing a sign­ing cer­e­mo­ny at the TTSE of­fice at Nicholas Tow­ers, In­de­pen­dence Square Port of Spain

"The list­ing cer­e­mo­ny of Er­ic So­lis to­day marks a sig­nif­i­cant achieve­ment, not on­ly for So­lis, but al­so for the con­tin­ued growth of our SME mar­ket. With an ini­tial pub­lic of­fer­ing of 2,750,000 shares, Er­ic So­lis Mar­ket­ing Ltd is now part of a dis­tin­guished group of com­pa­nies that have recog­nised the val­ue of eq­ui­ty fi­nanc­ing as a dri­ver for growth and ex­pan­sion," said Tor­ry, who al­so hailed the role of NCB Mer­chant Bank in bro­ker­ing the deal.

NCB head of in­vest­ments, In­shan Go­sine said the move could pave the way for greater in­vest­ments in the lo­cal mar­ket.

"I think it is a re­al­ly nice blue­print for the coun­try and the cap­i­tal mar­kets. Be­cause NCB has been talk­ing about it a few years now, but the fis­cal in­cen­tives are now in place, which I know the stock ex­change would have lob­bied for. And it's re­al­ly a nice time to get a list in and cre­ate the mo­men­tum to get more and more list­ings and in­vig­o­rate the cap­i­tal mar­kets," said Go­sine who al­so praised the dig­i­tal ac­cess grant­ed to Er­ic So­lis's IPO.

Cin­e­maOne, which was list­ed in No­vem­ber 2018 and En­deav­our Hold­ing Ltd, which was list­ed in De­cem­ber 2019, are the two oth­er SMEs cur­rent­ly list­ed on the TTSE.

"We con­tin­ue to en­cour­age oth­er busi­ness­es to ex­plore the pos­si­bil­i­ties that eq­ui­ty fi­nanc­ing of­fers as a vi­able and sus­tain­able op­tion for their growth and de­vel­op­ment. This is a proud mo­ment for the TTSE as we con­tin­ue our mis­sion to sup­port the growth of SMEs to con­tribute, con­tribute over­all of eco­nom­ic de­vel­op­ment of Trinidad and To­ba­go," said Tor­ry.

Ac­cord­ing to a no­tice of the list­ing on the TTSE web­site on Fri­day, some 8,333,333 or­di­nary shares in Er­ic So­lis were list­ed at a price of $4 each on the SME Mar­ket.

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