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Friday, March 14, 2025

T&T contractor gets another St Lucia job


176 days ago
An artist’s rendition of part of the Rodney Bay City Centre

An artist’s rendition of part of the Rodney Bay City Centre

NH In­ter­na­tion­al (Caribbean) Ltd has signed a US$19.4 mil­lion con­tract with Rod­ney Bay City Cen­tre Ltd (RBCC), to con­struct the first phase of the Rod­ney Bay City Cen­tre in Gros Islet, Saint Lu­cia.

Chief ex­ec­u­tive of­fi­cer at NH, Cia­ran Con­lon, praised this part­ner­ship as, he says, NH has been en­trust­ed to make yet an­oth­er mean­ing­ful con­tri­bu­tion to Saint Lu­cia which start­ed 30 years ago.

The CEO was joined by a di­rec­tor of Rod­ney Bay City Cen­tre Ltd, as well as the project man­ag­er for the de­vel­op­ment, Tarek Ho­sein of En­gi­neer­ing An­a­lyt­i­ca Ltd, to sign the con­tract on Au­gust 30, at NH’s head of­fice in St James, Trinidad.

NH has al­ready com­menced mo­bil­i­sa­tion and is set to be­gin ac­tu­al site con­struc­tion from Oc­to­ber 14, 2024 on the first phase of the project. It will in­clude the head of­fice and the Rod­ney Bay branch of Re­pub­lic Bank (EC) Ltd, a 122-ve­hi­cle car park as well as mul­ti­ple restau­rants, shops and a board­walk.

The RBCC project rep­re­sents the sec­ond ma­jor project part­ner­ship be­tween NH and this af­fil­i­ate group of com­pa­nies with­in the last three years; the oth­er most no­tably be­ing the Or­ange Grove Plaza, which has emerged to be­come a Saint Lu­cian land­mark.

Ex­ec­u­tive chair­man Emile Elias says “Our con­tin­ued work as a trust­ed con­struc­tion part­ner of Blue In­vest­ment and RBCC is adding to the de­vel­op­ment of St Lu­cia, of this, we can be proud.”

The project will cre­ate em­ploy­ment op­por­tu­ni­ties for many St Lu­cians, NH said in a news re­lease.

The en­tire Rod­ney Bay City Cen­tre will com­prise five mul­ti-sto­ry build­ings and in­cor­po­rates com­mer­cial, re­tail, res­i­den­tial and recre­ation­al spaces, de­signed by promi­nent Caribbean ar­chi­tect, Stephen Mendes.

The first phase is ex­pect­ed to be com­plet­ed by NH in mid-No­vem­ber 2025 with fur­ther phas­es ex­pect­ed to com­mence in the near fu­ture.

In April, NH In­ter­na­tion­al signed a con­tract with the Gov­ern­ment of St Lu­cia to con­struct a Halls of Jus­tice com­plex, by way of a Build Own Lease Trans­fer (BOLT) arrange­ment.

The com­plex is lo­cat­ed in Cas­tries, the cap­i­tal of St Lu­cia, and would com­prise three ju­di­cial di­vi­sions: crim­i­nal, civ­il and fam­i­ly.

The fa­cil­i­ty will con­sist of 14 court­rooms, six mag­is­trate’s cham­bers, nine judge’s cham­bers, 11 wit­ness rooms, 10 ad­min­is­tra­tive of­fices, a law li­brary, one 26-seater con­fer­ence room, one po­lice post, hold­ing cells and a high-se­cu­ri­ty de­fen­dants dock in the crim­i­nal court. The to­tal floor space of the court fa­cil­i­ties is es­ti­mat­ed to be 126,345 square feet.

The to­tal in­vest­ment cost is an es­ti­mat­ed US$61 mil­lion (EC$164.7 mil­lion), in­cludes full de­sign ser­vices (at 10 per cent of con­struc­tion cost), build­ings that are ful­ly out­fit­ted as well as the con­struc­tion of the build­ings.

Elias pro­vid­ed a break­down of the el­e­ments of de­sign, con­struc­tion and out­fit­ting:

• De­sign—ar­chi­tec­tur­al; struc­tur­al; in­te­ri­or de­sign; me­chan­i­cal/elec­tri­cal/plumb­ing (MEP) and civ­il

• Con­struc­tion—two build­ings and con­nec­tor bridge to­talling 126,345 sq ft

• Out­fit­ting—All fur­ni­ture-work­sta­tions/con­fer­ence ta­bles and chairs/desks/lounge fur­ni­ture; ac­cess con­trol sys­tems; CCTV; fire pro­tec­tion sys­tems; air con­di­tion­ing sys­tems; file stor­age sys­tems; da­ta/com­mu­ni­ca­tion sys­tems (phones/wifi etc); au­dio-vi­su­al sys­tems for courts; judge podi­ums; court bench­es; kitchen ap­pli­ances; hold­ing cells; base­ment park­ing and a stand-by gen­er­a­tor sys­tems.

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