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Sunday, March 23, 2025

TTT gets new CEO


423 days ago
Incoming TTT chief executive officer Adrian Winter

Incoming TTT chief executive officer Adrian Winter


For­mer CEO of Na­tion­al Self Help Com­mis­sion Adri­an Win­ter will take the helm of Trinidad and To­ba­go Tele­vi­sion (TTT) as chief ex­ec­u­tive of­fi­cer from next month.

Win­ter con­firmed the news to Guardian Me­dia in a brief con­ver­sa­tion over What­sApp yes­ter­day.

“Yes I can con­firm that I have ac­cept­ed the of­fer of em­ploy­ment as the next CEO of TTT Ltd. My ex­pect­ed as­sump­tion date is the end of Jan­u­ary,” Win­ter said.

His first work­ing day is ex­pect­ed to be Feb­ru­ary 5.

He de­clined to com­ment fur­ther say­ing he pre­ferred to of­fi­cial­ly take up the po­si­tion be­fore speak­ing.

Sources said Win­ter ap­plied for the po­si­tion when it was ad­ver­tised and was suc­cess­ful in the po­si­tion.

TTT is ex­pect­ed to make an of­fi­cial an­nounce­ment at a lat­er date.

The state-owned me­dia house has had an act­ing CEO since David Roberts re­signed from the post in Jan­u­ary 2023.

Roberts is now the Per­ma­nent Sec­re­tary of the Min­istry of Sport and Com­mu­ni­ty De­vel­op­ment.

Christophe Brath­waite was ap­point­ed to act as its chief ex­ec­u­tive of­fi­cer.

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