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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Young: Talks on regional renewable projects picking up steam


753 days ago
Energy Minister Stuart Young at the International Energy Conference in Guyana

Energy Minister Stuart Young at the International Energy Conference in Guyana

Michael Ramsingh

En­er­gy Min­is­ter Stu­art Young says con­ver­sa­tions sur­round­ing the es­tab­lish­ment of col­lab­o­ra­tive re­new­able en­er­gy projects for the re­gion have been pick­ing up mo­men­tum.

Young made the state­ment yes­ter­day dur­ing the post-Cab­i­net news con­fer­ence held at the Diplo­mat­ic Cen­tre.

“There are three ju­ris­dic­tions in the re­gion that have the land size as well as the pop­u­la­tion size to pur­sue re­new­able projects off of the bat Ja­maica, the Do­mini­can Re­pub­lic and T&T.

“Our con­cern and one of the things that we have re­al­ly been push­ing with this en­er­gy se­cu­ri­ty com­mit­tee that was formed un­der the chair­man­ship of Dr (Kei­th) Row­ley and Vice Pres­i­dent (Ka­mala) Har­ris is how do we en­gage the rest of the re­gion, how do we en­gage projects that as we say may not be bank­able on a typ­i­cal scale for the rest of the re­gion, some of the small­er is­lands. And I am push­ing them re­al­ly and I think there is in­ter­est in can we look at with some of our small­er Cari­com neigh­bours de­vel­op­ment of cer­tain projects and then cross is­land the pow­er sup­ply,” Young said

“So there­fore what you are do­ing re­al­ly is pool­ing the re­spec­tive re­sources of pop­u­la­tion, so they can pay for it, but then al­so you may be able to do ther­mal in one is­land and you may be able to do so­lar in an­oth­er, wind and in sep­a­rate ju­ris­dic­tions not cross the hur­dle of bank­a­bil­i­ty,” he said.

Young said he is try­ing to progress those con­ver­sa­tions to ben­e­fit the Cari­com re­gion and they are ac­tu­al­ly pick­ing up some trac­tion.

“Al­so an­oth­er plank of the con­ver­sa­tion and in par­tic­u­lar this is where we are call­ing up­on Guyana and Suri­name and even the avail­able re­sources in Venezuela with T&T if there is that col­lab­o­ra­tion we can utilise the gas and we can pro­duce LNG for ex­am­ple so you have some of the oth­er ju­ris­dic­tions look­ing at can they use LNG for re­gasi­fi­ca­tion to sup­ply their own pow­er grids as well as pro­vide am­mo­nia, methanol which we know are some of the clean­er sources of car­ry­ing clean en­er­gy and green en­er­gy,” Young said.

“So these are the con­ver­sa­tions and I am re­al­ly push­ing for us to move be­yond con­ver­sa­tion in­to projects and I have to say it has been pick­ing up mo­men­tum which is why I am go­ing to re-en­gage with the en­er­gy ex­perts out of the US State De­part­ment in a cou­ple of weeks in Hous­ton,” he said.

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