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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Trini Revellers in Brazil, Brazil



Tri­ni Rev­ellers 2013 pre­sen­ta­tion Brazil, Brazil is tar­get­ed to re­turn the band to its Band of the Year sta­tus next year.

Band pro­duc­er David Cameron and head re­searcher En­ri­co Ra­jah en­gaged the ser­vices of sev­er­al col­leagues as well as the Brazil­lian Em­bassy to come up with next year's pre­sen­ta­tion de­pict­ing the largest coun­try in South Amer­i­ca.

The di­verse cul­tur­al back­ground of Brazil has helped boast many cel­e­bra­tions and fes­ti­vals such as the Brazil­ian Car­ni­val and the Bum­ba Meu Boi.

Amongst the sec­tions to grace T&T's Car­ni­val city next year are Sao Paulo, the in­dus­tri­al cap­i­tal, Sam­ba the na­tion­al dance, Brazil­ia, the cap­i­tal city, Ron­do­nia (ex­ot­ic birds), The beau­ti­ful white sands of Bahia, the Yanomani Tribe of South West­ern Brazil, the Rain­for­est of Ama­zo­nia, Car­ni­val in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil­ian Or­chids of South East Brazil, the Gau­chos of Rio Grande do sul and the Lost Tribes of South West Brazil.

Tri­ni Rev­ellers has won the Band of the Year ti­tle five times and has been the first run­ner-up on sev­en oc­ca­sions.

E-mail in­fo@trinirev­ellers­ or vis­it www.trinirev­ellers­

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