After a successful premiere in Toronto and Barbados, the seminal documentary Forward Home: The Power of the Caribbean Diaspora, debuted in Paramaribo, Suriname yesterday.The documentary is based on two years research by renowned economist and creative industries specialist, Dr Keith Nurse and his research team at the Shridath Ramphal Centre, UWI, Barbados.The 50-minute documentary, which is funded by the International Development Research Centre, Ottawa, Canada was filmed by award-winning Trinidad-based producer/director Lisa Wickham and director of Photography, Sheldon Felix.
According to Dr Nurse, who was also the executive producer of the film, "The documentary helps to map the contribution of the Diasporic economy and specifically Diasporic tourism to Caribbean economies. In that regard Suriname is an excellent case study because of the relative size of the Diasporic economy in Suriname."In many respects the key driver of the Surinamese economy is related to Diasporic flows in travel and tourism, remittances, trade and telecommunications."Forward Home: The Power of the Caribbean Diaspora was shot in nine countries across the globe and is based on the research project Strategic Opportunities in Caribbean Migration.The 50-minute documentary film reveals the economic power of the Caribbean Diaspora living in global cities: the significance of the contribution to their homeland as travelers and entrepreneurs.The premiere in Suriname was hosted by IntEnt, Suriname.