"Wonderland," a new and exciting theatre production will premier at the National Academy for the Performing Arts (NAPA) this week. The Carvalho Productions musical production is an adaptation of the timeless children story Alice in Wonderland originally written by English author Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, more popularly known as Lewis Caroll in 1865. The theme of the upcoming theatrical presentation teaches the importance of making haste. It also includes lessons of moral values and dealing with unexpected circumstances which are sometimes thrown our way in life. The show premiers on February 28 to March 2, and continues March 13 to 18 at NAPA. Evening martinees begins at 7.30 pm with daily special school shows starting at 10 am. Described as a magical musical with riveting dance, the Carvalho Production sets the stage for Wonderland, a localised story of a girl called Alison, a young feisty orphan who desperately wants to be adopted.
Alison bumps her head while cleaning the room and ends up in Wonderland where she meets Ibis, Corbeaux, Mouse, Cow and evil Crapaud and Queen Reds. Usually introverted and adrift, Alison finds it difficult to adjust while being the centre of attraction when she begins to question the reality of Wonderland. Alison soon meets the "Hatter" and joins in on his hilarious escapades of drinking "T" at his mad carnival party and adopting his carefree lifestyle which is the true essence of Wonderland. Managing director of Carvalho Productions, Fareid Carvalho featured as "Hatter," is no stranger to the stage. Some of his past productions were The Wizard of Oz, the Little Mermaid and the Lion King. The musical was directed and written by Penelope Spencer with dance choreographed by Linda Pollard-Lake, while music and sound design were done by John H Smith of JCS Sounds. Also credited are Lucia Eligon for makeup, Calvin French for photography, costume design Sean Edwards and Benty Lashley for lighting.