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Thursday, March 27, 2025

Caribbean Beat marks 20 years with 114th issue



The ex­cit­ing new 20th an­niver­sary is­sue of Caribbean Beat-the mag­a­zine of the true Caribbean-is on Caribbean Air­lines planes; in the mail to sub­scribers; and on­line, where read­ers can al­so ac­cess a com­plete flip-book of the cur­rent is­sue. In this is­sue's cov­er sto­ry, Hot off the Run­way, T&T de­sign­er Anya Ay­oung-Chee tells Lau­ra Dowrich-Phillips how her ca­reer has tak­en off since she won the Project Run­way re­al­i­ty TV con­test. In ho­n­our of Beat's 20th an­niver­sary, the mag­a­zine's de­sign­ers Brid­get van Don­gen and Kevon Web­ster choose some of their favourites from Caribbean Beat's 20 years of strik­ing cov­er de­signs in the piece, 20 years of cov­er­ing the Beat. Mean­while, for­mer ed­i­tor Skye Her­nan­dez is On the Beat, where she pays trib­ute to the mag­a­zine's cov­er­age and longevi­ty. Caribbean style is high­light­ed as Lisa Allen-Agos­ti­ni dis­cov­ers eco-friend­ly de­sign is both a mod­ern idea and an old tra­di­tion in the re­gion (Green & pleas­ant lands). In Grena­da, David Katz paints the re­al pic­ture of how Grena­da's women artists are go­ing be­yond the stereo­types of re­gion­al art. In near­by To­ba­go, Skye Her­nan­dez un­cov­ers why a grip­ping tale of a bloody sea bat­tle off To­ba­go is be­ing re-en­act­ed for a TV docu­d­ra­ma (Rais­ing ghosts from a wa­tery grave).

Fur­ther afield, Zahra Gor­don talked to Trinidad-born Michael de Souza, the man be­hind Ras­ta­mouse, who cre­at­ed one of UK TV's best-loved new char­ac­ters. By con­trast, Gar­ry Steck­les says farewell Bur­rell of Ja­maica, and pays trib­ute to liv­ing leg­ends of Caribbean mu­sic as he salutes "the great sur­vivors." On the trav­el beat, while Ja­nine Fung jour­neys from the ranch to the rodeo in Guyana, Is­land Girl, Don­na Yawch­ing was re­mind­ed-sur­pris­ing­ly-of her trop­i­cal home while win­ter­ing on a Cana­di­an is­land. Food­ies will want to fol­low as Fran­ka Philip brows­es through new books on Caribbean food (Do­ing it by the book) in her reg­u­lar Caribbean Cookup col­umn. Al­so on the food beat, Naz­ma Muller takes an ital tour of Kingston in Eat. Pray. Love your Veg­gies, where she dis­cov­ers that, while ras­tas have al­ways eat­en healthy, nat­ur­al food, now it's gone gourmet. And of course, Beat's reg­u­lar de­part­ments de­liv­er your reg­u­lar dose of all things Caribbean. Hap­pen­ings rounds up cur­rent and com­ing events on the Caribbean cal­en­dar, while James Fer­gu­son's Beau­ti­ful, looks at how an an­cient Caribbean vol­cano in­spired a mas­ter of Eu­ro­pean art.

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