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Tuesday, February 18, 2025

All Stars wins hearts at pan concert



Even though it was af­ter 1 am yes­ter­day when reign­ing Panora­ma cham­pi­on Neal and Massy Trinidad All Stars Steel Or­ches­tra com­plet­ed its per­for­mance at the fourth edi­tion of the 8 of Hearts Steel­band Con­cert at the Laven­tille Com­plex on the An­gos­tu­ra Com­pound, the au­di­ence re­fused to leave the venue un­til the or­ches­tra played its sig­na­ture se­lec­tion Woman On The Bass.

This, de­spite hav­ing sat through six hours of con­trast­ing per­for­mances from the top nine bands (there was a tie for the eighth po­si­tion) emerg­ing from the 2012 Na­tion­al Steel­band Panora­ma Com­pe­ti­tion. The con­cert, a pro­duc­tion of the Laven­tille Steel­band Fes­ti­val Foun­da­tion, is staged bi­en­ni­al­ly.

This year's par­tic­i­pants were NL­CB Fon­claire, RBC Re­demp­tion Sound Set­ters, CAL In­vaders, Re­pub­lic Bank Ex­o­dus, So­lo Har­monites, BP Rene­gades, PCS Ni­tro­gen Sil­ver Stars, Petrotrin Phase II Pan Groove and All Stars. The eight-time Panora­ma cham­pi­on will­ing­ly oblig­ed its fans, and pro­duced an­oth­er riv­et­ing ren­di­tion of the ca­lyp­so sung by Scrunter (Ir­win Reyes John­son) that earned it the ti­tle way back in 1980.

Ear­li­er, the or­ches­tra had of­fered a splen­did reper­toire of songs that fea­tured the in­clu­sion of vo­cal­ist Shel­don Reid to lend voice to Pro­col Harum's A Whiter Shade Of Pale, and sax­o­phon­ist Cur­tis Lewis to in­ter­pret Jo­hann Se­bas­t­ian Bach's Air On A G String. Open­ing the play­bill was the NL­CB Fon­claire do­ing Ken "Pro­fes­sor" Philmore's Pan By Storm, the se­lec­tion that won it sec­ond place in the 1990 Panora­ma fi­nal.

Lend­ing sup­port to its over­all ef­fort was ca­lyp­son­ian Baron (Tim­o­thy Watkins) who com­ple­ment­ed the band's of­fer­ings with a show­case of some of his pop­u­lar work, in­clu­sive of Feel­ing It and Tell Me Why. All the bands utilised ei­ther singers or mu­si­cians to en­hance their 45-minute per­for­mances.

Ex­o­dus had the ser­vices of Pel­ham God­dard and mem­bers of Roots, Har­monites brought along sax­o­phon­ist An­tho­ny Woodruffe Jr, Rene­gades used singer Dex­ter Theophile, Sil­ver Stars had Denyse Plum­mer do an en­chant­i­ng ren­di­tion of One Mo­ment In Time and Phase II brought along the Ly­di­an Singers to as­sist in glo­ri­ous pre­sen­ta­tions of Heal The World and Arch­bish­op Of Pan.

A spe­cial pre­sen­ta­tion was made to "stal­wart Laven­tille res­i­dent," mu­si­col­o­gist Mer­le Al­bi­no-de Coteau for her con­tri­bu­tion to cul­ture in the com­mu­ni­ty. A re­tired Di­rec­tor of Cul­ture, Al­bi­no-de Coteau, a grad­u­ate of McGill Uni­ver­si­ty, Cana­da, and the Uni­ver­si­ty of the West In­dies, is the hold­er of sev­er­al awards for con­tribut­ing to mu­sic in Trinidad and To­ba­go.

She is a re­cip­i­ent of a na­tion­al award, the Hum­ming Bird Medal (1993) for her con­tri­bu­tion to cul­ture, par­tic­u­lar­ly for ca­lyp­so and steel­band ac­tiv­i­ties. Mak­ing the pre­sen­ta­tion was Works Min­is­ter and act­ing Prime Min­is­ter Jack Warn­er. Al­so present at the event were Min­is­ter of the Arts and Mul­ti­cul­tur­al­ism Win­ston Pe­ters, Laven­tille East MP Nile­ung Hy­po­lite, for­mer min­is­ter of cul­ture Joan Yuille-Williams, and pres­i­dent of Pan Trin­ba­go, Kei­th Di­az.

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