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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

No letting up for Erphaan Alves



This year has been an ex­treme­ly hec­tic and suc­cess­ful one for young lo­cal artiste Er­phaan Marc Alves and there's no let­ting up. The charis­mat­ic record­ing artiste is re­leas­ing a new sin­gle-I Nev­er-to­mor­row, and he's con­fi­dent that it will be a hit, just like his pre­vi­ous works. A for­mer na­tion­al ju­nior ca­lyp­so monarch, Alves opened 2012 by be­ing the youngest artiste to qual­i­fy for both the In­ter­na­tion­al Pow­er and So­ca Monarch fi­nals. Amongst his most re­cent achieve­ments is his com­po­si­tion be­ing cho­sen among the top six win­ning songs in the 50th an­niver­sary of In­de­pen­dence Na­tion­al Song Com­pe­ti­tion and, on In­de­pen­dence Day (Au­gust 31), be­ing award­ed "Best New Male So­ca Artiste" (tied with Hy­pa­Sounds) at the In­ter­na­tion­al So­ca Awards 10, held in New York, USA.

2012 high­lights of Er­phaan Marc Alves' Mu­sic Ca­reer

Feb­ru­ary 17: Youngest artiste to per­form in both Groovy and Pow­er So­ca Monarch com­pe­ti­tions 2012.

March 6: Di­ag­nosed with laryn­gi­tis, pharyn­gi­tis si­nusi­tis and mild ton­sil­li­tis.

March 7: Lec­tured to stu­dents of Suc­cess Laven­tille Sec­ondary about ca­reers in the per­form­ing arts at their ca­reer day.

March 8: On the Thurs­day of that week, ENT Dr Wen­dell Dwari­ka put Er­phaan's singing on the bench for three weeks.

March 20: So­ca Monarch 2012 prize-giv­ing cer­e­mo­ny, for fea­ture ar­ti­cle in a school project.

April 8: Per­forms in Bar­ba­dos for the first time, with UWI Arts Chorale, at Wal­cott Warn­er The­atre, EBC­CI.

May 10: Fea­tured on MTV Ig­gy site; was al­so a part of the MTV Artiste of the Week poll from May 11 to May 18.

May 18: Wins the MTV Ig­gy Artiste of the Week af­ter go­ing up in a vot­ing poll against Ar­ca, Strange Hand Alu­na George and Riz MC.

May 19: Per­forms in An­tigua for the first time.

June 8: Re­leas­es his first Crop Over so­ca track-Like a Ba­jan (Crazy Jab Rid­dim)-pro­duced by King Bub­ba Plat­ta Stu­dio.

June 23: Per­forms in Do­mini­ca for the first time, at Krazy Ko­conuts, Tem­po "Bad­ness Out­ta Style."

Ju­ly 12: Writes the win­ning song of St Lu­cia Groovy So­ca Monarch com­pe­ti­tion, per­formed by Ted­dyson.

Ju­ly 28: Per­forms in Grena­da for the first time, at 10 to 10 Fete Moon­Light­ing, Wag­gy.

Au­gust 9: His On D Spot so­ca song is aired on MTV Re­al World, St Thomas Episode 7.

Au­gust 23: Spe­cial guest speak­er at Mar­itime Fi­nan­cial Group func­tion, giv­ing a mo­ti­va­tion­al ad­dress to achiev­ers in SEA, CXC, CAPE.

Au­gust 26: His com­po­si­tion in the "Na­tion­al Song Com­pe­ti­tion" is se­lect­ed among the top six win­ning songs.

Au­gust 31: Award­ed "Best New Male So­ca Artiste" (tied with Hy­pa­Sounds) at the In­ter­na­tion­al So­ca Awards 10, in New York City, USA.

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