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Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Plenty Bakanal from Destra and band in 2014



Self-pro­claimed Queen of Bac­cha­nal De­stra Gar­cia host­ed a spe­cial show at the Zen Night­club on No­vem­ber 10.

In ad­di­tion to cel­e­brat­ing her birth­day, Gar­cia al­so un­veiled her new look band which fea­tures two new male vo­cal­ists, Olatun­ji Year­wood and Stu­art Sil­va. She al­so an­nounced the band's new name Bakanal.

Gar­cia al­lowed her two new vo­cal­ists to show off their vo­cal ver­sa­til­i­ty, with Sil­va per­form­ing silky soul hits from John Leg­end and Michael Jack­son while Olatun­ji–best known for his mas­sive 2013 hit Bam Bam–added his own touch to some James Brown tunes.

Sev­er­al hun­dred fans lapped up Gar­cia's per­for­mance of the hits old and new, in­clud­ing Car­ni­val, Bon­nie and Clyde, Max It Up, Fly, Call Me and her 2014 tunes Just A Lit­tle Bit and Road Call. If this per­for­mance is any­thing to go by, then in 2014, Bakanal should be one of the bands to look out for on the fete cir­cuit. One of Bakanal's first of­fi­cial out­ings will be in the Mid­dle East, when they per­form at the Ja Jebel Ali Golf Re­sort in Dubai on No­vem­ber 23.

Dig­i­cel, for whom Gar­cia is an en­dorsee, pre­sent­ed the singer with a cake in the shape of a large red D and her band mem­bers al­so gave her a large bou­quet of red ros­es.

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