Egbe Onisin Eledumare will stage the annual Orisha Olokun Festival in Manzanilla tomorrow. The Olokun Festival is the Orisha Festival of the Ocean, in which man's indispensable link and connectivity to the force of the ocean is celebrated. Olokun is the deity of the deep ocean, marshes and wetlands, and is protector of the African diaspora.
As an island people, Olokun is especially important to us. Divination has chosen The Bell Piece in Manzanilla as the site of this year's festival. As usual it will be hosted by Egbe Onisin Eledumare. Egbe Onisin Eledumare is an African spiritual organisation functional in Ile-Iere–the Republic T&T–since 1971. The organisation has consistently been one of the most progressive voices for Orisha and African traditions in T&T.
Over the years, it has pioneered in the campaigning for the passage of the Orisha Marriage Act; and in holding two major Orisha and African Traditions Conferences in T&T. The organisation again broke ground when it fielded the first Orisha Carnival band and placed the first Orisha Queen of Carnival contestant on the Savannah stage. This year's Olokun Festival is open to the public. There will be return-trip maxi-taxi transport and refreshments provided. The cost will be $100.
The celebration will begin with prayers at Egbe Onisin Eledumare, Simeon Road, at 5 am and there will be a main pick up point at the western entrance of PTSC in Port-of-Spain, close to the lighthouse, between 6.30 and 7.15 am.�
The colour code is white, but persons can wear colours representing their shrines or Orisha. Items of offering include: boiled corn; yam balls; boiled black eyes peas with corn; popcorn; and, dry coconut.
For bookings and further information, call:
Oludari Sangode 727-3712;
Oloye Orawale Oranfe 380-9382; or
Rubadiri 797-0949.
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