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Tuesday, February 25, 2025

It's the place to be.



New York-based spe­cial Events pro­duc­er/en­tre­pre­neur Si­mon Khan, and award-win­ning Trinida­di­an de­sign artist/pro­duc­er Charisse Par­sons, have come to­geth­er to de­liv­er be., an un­par­al­leled and ex­tra­or­di­nary ex­pe­ri­ence at The Carl­ton Sa­van­nah Ho­tel in Cas­cade, over the week­end of May 28-30. Fus­ing fine fash­ion, fine style, fine food with funk, be. em­braces in­ter­na­tion­al stan­dards and promis­es a rock and roll run­way. The three-day event will be host­ed by Ja­maican-born in­ter­na­tion­al su­per mod­el Tyson Beck­ford, back again on T&T shores mere months af­ter he was brought here by Khan's An­til­ia ini­tia­tive, in a Car­ni­val 2010 vis­it. Top de­sign­er Meil­ing, will de­but a cap­sule from her mono­chro­mat­ic col­lec­tion, based on her favourite colour, black. To­ba­go's son-of-the-soil, in­ter­na­tion­al mod­el, Sand­hurst Taca­ma-Mig­gins, who was the run­ner up in the re­al­i­ty TV se­ries Make Me a Su­per Mod­el, is the fea­ture guest mod­el in An­tho­ny Reid for Meil­ing. De­but­ing her col­lec­tion–Anya de Rogue–is for­mer Miss T&T Anya Ay­oung-Chee.

Par­sons, who has pro­duced Pe­ter Min­shall's Sa­cred Heart, along with the­atri­cal per­for­mances, and many a set for Meil­ing, iden­ti­fied strong in­ter­na­tion­al ex­po­sure as one of the goals of the event. She said "We ex­pect to host a se­ries of high-pro­file North Amer­i­can & Eu­ro­pean me­dia hous­es, in ad­di­tion to top tier Caribbean press." Khan of An­til­ia, says, "It's al­ways a beau­ti­ful thing when promi­nent in­di­vid­u­als of Caribbean de­scent, see the mer­it in giv­ing back to their re­gion..." Par­sons added: "Any suc­cess­ful ven­ture should be based on qual­i­ty and not quan­ti­ty," and we both un­der­stand what it takes to ac­com­plish such." The pro­duc­ers be­lieve that they can make Trinidad and To­ba­go the sought-af­ter des­ti­na­tion week­end ex­pe­ri­ence and high­light­ed that, celebri­ties/jet-set­ters are al­ways on the look­out for the next hot place to be. For fur­ther in­for­ma­tion con­tact Charisse Par­sons at 290-8104, or charisse.par­

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