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Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Andru Anthony: I'm a young Legend Rising



Coin­ing the term 're­la­tion­shift' reg­gae artiste An­dru An­tho­ny has tak­en his per­son­al ex­pe­ri­ences and put it in­to what he calls world mu­sic. "Re­la­tion­shift is mov­ing from one per­son to an­oth­er try­ing to find the right one," he said. It's al­so the name of the mi­ni al­bum and has al­ready been launched in his home­town, Ja­maica. Say­ing that he writes jour­nals, An­tho­ny said the al­bum was his jour­nal sto­ry. The mi­ni al­bum, which in­cludes Move On With My Life is part of a 16-song al­bum.

He's been singing since the age of 15 in the reg­gae genre as mu­sic has been his pas­sion. "I con­sid­er my­self as a young leg­end ris­ing. Re­mem­ber me tell you that," he said. The 37-year-old fam­i­ly man said he was tak­ing his mu­sic across the world.

He didn't judge any oth­er artiste as he said mu­sic was great. "I get in­spi­ra­tion from every­body who sings mu­sic. Once they singing pos­i­tive, they got my ears to lis­ten," he said. Though this is his first al­bum, he has done sin­gles. He said Straight Up, Straight Up was num­ber one in Aru­ba in 1999.

He made an im­pres­sion in Aus­tralia in 2003, with Every­body's Irish as the song made it to num­ber one. Re­la­tion­shift was re­leased in Ja­maica on April 12 and he has been do­ing a pro­mo­tion­al tour through­out the Caribbean. An­tho­ny has been mov­ing with the tech­no­log­i­cal times as the songs can be found on­line. "We're do­ing on­line mar­ket­ing now," he said.

How­ev­er, for those who would like a hard copy, it will be in stores. Here in T&T, An­tho­ny per­formed on Syn­er­gy on Ju­ly 2. Thus far An­tho­ny has been en­joy­ing what he con­sid­ers "a great re­sponse" in Ja­maica, Eng­land and Africa. In fact, he's re­turn­ing to Ja­maica in Au­gust, then he's off to Eng­land in Sep­tem­ber and Africa in No­vem­ber. Based in New York, An­tho­ny is a cer­ti­fied Build­ing En­gi­neer but he doesn't do that job any­more.


On Wednes­day 30, An­tho­ny was tak­en to lo­cal Psy­chic Win­ston Ra­goo. He said he had heard about psy­chics but he nev­er fed in­to that be­lief. How­ev­er, he said Ra­goo told him about his per­son­al life and about the al­bum. He did not go to Ra­goo for any par­tic­u­lar rea­son. "I feel like me and him had a con­nec­tion," he said. Three days af­ter their meet­ing, the two now say they have a bond.

"I go­ing to keep our friend­ship tight," An­tho­ny said. Ra­goo said that though he had of­fers from peo­ple to trav­el, he felt a con­nec­tion with An­tho­ny. Ra­goo said what­ev­er he plans to do with An­tho­ny, it would be to help peo­ple around the world. "His mu­sic has a mean­ing. It's a type of mu­sic that peo­ple will be grav­i­tat­ing to­wards," Ra­goo added.

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