This crime scourge has been an affliction on this country for too many years.In my view, the solution to this problem is beyond the police service and the Government alone.This problem belongs to each and everyone of us, and it will take us all to solve it.We the citizenry should face this issue frontally and play our part as soldiers against crime in order to reclaim our country from the grips of criminal elements.
Every crime committed should be viewed as a crime against you because if you have not been subject to a crime, I can assure you, you are standing in line.A good place to start is to be our brother's keeper and do away with the attitude "Thank God it's not me." We must be very observant, take note of our surroundings, feeding the police with the information. Forget about "I don't trust the police." You cannot afford the luxury of that mistrust.
You must help and take some risk without putting your own life at risk.The Minister of National Security Senator, the Honorable Gary Griffith, said "crime is a product of opportunity." Let's learn how not to provide that opportunity.I'm sure, fellow citizens, you may have many more suggestions as to how we can overcome this affliction.
Ghassan Youseph