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Wednesday, March 19, 2025

RECIPE: Sancoche


The Propa Eats Team
2395 days ago

Propa Eats


This In­de­pen­dence Day, spend time cel­e­brat­ing our coun­try with the is­land's best dish­es. Old favourites that re­mind us all of the cul­ture, his­to­ry and beau­ty of Trinidad and To­ba­go will grace ta­bles across the na­tion of Fri­day. If you're in need of in­spi­ra­tion, take a look at our savoury and sweet very Tri­ni dish­es.


Usu­al­ly, there’s no set recipe for mak­ing a San­coche. It is es­sen­tial­ly a thick, split- pea based soup with all the works; most is­landers know that this in­cludes ground pro­vi­sions, in sea­son bread­fruit, flour dumplings, smoked bones, pig­tails, a healthy mea­sure of green sea­son­ing and a whole lot of love. This soup has been de­scribed by some as com­fort food while oth­ers have said that it's one of those meals that leave you filled and sat­is­fied— they're both cor­rect. Here's our take on the pop­u­lar San­coche.

Yields: 6 to 8 serv­ings

Prep Time: 15 min­utes

Cook Time: 1 hour

To­tal Time: 1 hour 15 min­utes


1⁄2 cup split peas

2 car­rots

2 onions, peeled and fine­ly diced

2 small bun­dle cel­ery

2 Span­ish thyme leaves

1 pound pump­kin, peeled and fine­ly diced

2 small to medi­um sweet pota­toes, peeled and large diced

2 pota­toes, peeled and large diced

2 ed­does, peeled and large diced

1⁄2 pound beef or chick­en bones or boiled pig­tail

2 bun­dles chan­don beni

5 pi­men­tos

2 cloves gar­lic

2 ears corn, cut in­to 2 1⁄2-inch pieces

1 hot pep­per

Dumplings, op­tion­al

1 cup flour


1 Add split peas to a large pot with 3 cups of wa­ter. Al­low the split peas to boil un­til they soft­en.

2 In the mean­time, fine­ly chop all of the herbs and pi­men­tos to­geth­er.

3 Add the meat, onion, pump­kin, corn and half of the herb mix­ture to the split peas and wa­ter. Cov­er and boil un­til the pump­kin be­gins to soft­en about, 10 min­utes. Then, add in the pro­vi­sions and car­rots; add wa­ter to just cov­er the new ad­di­tions.

4 Top with a hot pep­per (be care­ful not to burst while stir­ring) and boil un­til the pro­vi­sions are fork ten­der, stir­ring oc­ca­sion­al­ly.

5 Last­ly, add in the re­main­ing herb- mix­ture, salt and pep­per. Stir and ad­just salt to taste

6 En­joy hot.

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