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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Tempo Networks gears up for fifth anniversary



NEWARK-Tem­po Net­works has an­nounced the suc­cess­ful launch of its Win a Tem­po Trip con­test and My Tem­po Trip re­al­i­ty se­ries in cel­e­bra­tion of its fifth year an­niver­sary. Through­out 2011, Tem­po will be se­lect­ing Tem­po view­ers to re­ceive all-in­clu­sive trips for two to var­i­ous Caribbean is­lands. In recog­ni­tion and ap­pre­ci­a­tion of the en­thu­si­as­tic sup­port Tem­po view­ers and fans have shown the net­work over the years, Tem­po is treat­ing its view­ers to a most mem­o­rable high-end tourist ex­pe­ri­ence.

To en­ter, Tem­po view­ers and fans are re­quired to vis­it­tem­ and write an es­say of 150 words or less de­scrib­ing why they love Tem­po and why they de­serve a Tem­po Trip. The new re­al­i­ty se­ries, My Tem­po Trip, will fea­ture each week­end trip show­cas­ing the ad­ven­tures of the win­ner in both their home coun­try and the des­ti­na­tion is­lands. The re­sponse thus far has been over­whelm­ing, with en­tries from more than 16 coun­tries, with the US, T&T and the Ba­hamas be­ing the top three coun­tries re­spec­tive­ly.

The first lucky win­ner from Trinidad, Tri­cia Matthews, a pri­ma­ry school teacher in San Fer­nan­do, re­turned re­cent­ly from her Tem­po trip to the beau­ti­ful is­land of An­guil­la. The My Tem­po Trip crew doc­u­ment­ed her en­tire ex­pe­ri­ence with her hus­band, Andy Dibique, as they ex­pe­ri­enced the best of lux­u­ri­ous ac­com­mo­da­tions, fine din­ing, arts and cul­ture, tour ex­cur­sions, night life and much more. In de­scrib­ing her trip, Tri­cia was ec­sta­t­ic: "Be­ing a Tem­po fan and ex­pe­ri­enc­ing this Tem­po trip has helped me to ap­pre­ci­ate my Caribbean iden­ti­ty more than ever.

"I met some won­der­ful peo­ple, Mark and Shel­don from Lime, who pre­sent­ed me with a Black­ber­ry Torch and oth­er Lime sou­venirs; Ac­ce­lyn our dri­ver; Haydn, Can­dis, and Chan­tal from the Min­istry of Tourism and the Tourist Board of An­guil­la and so many more. Al­so greater thanks to Fred­er­ick Mor­ton Jr, whom I deeply ad­mire and ap­pre­ci­ate. This is all God's work and I know that He (God) has a lot more in store for us!" "To be able to pro­vide this trip to a de­serv­ing win­ner like Tri­cia and her hus­band Andy is ex­act­ly in line with Tem­po's mis­sion and vi­sion for the Caribbean," said Mor­ton Jr, Tem­po Founder, Chair­man and CEO, Tem­po Net­works.

"Tem­po is de­signed to let us see each oth­er, reach out to each oth­er, un­der­stand each oth­er and to know that we are in­tri­cate­ly linked as a peo­ple...and, now Tem­po will phys­i­cal­ly take our view­ers around the re­gion, demon­strat­ing what we all should know, that we are one peo­ple, one Caribbean and in this re­gard, fur­ther en­cour­age re­gion­al tourism so that we can con­tin­ue on our jour­ney to­wards be­com­ing self-suf­fi­cient." The sec­ond trip and in­stall­ment of the se­ries is al­ready in the works, as Tem­po will se­lect a win­ner for the next Win a Tem­po Trip to St Kitts.

All are en­cour­aged to vis­it­tem­, for more in­for­ma­tion, and en­ter to Win a Tem­po Trip.

The pro­mo­tion is sup­port­ed by many re­gion­al com­pa­nies, in­clud­ing Li­at, Lime, Carib, and sev­er­al Trinidad-based com­pa­nies: Cas­ca­dia Ho­tel, Cir­cuit Zone, Blue Moun­tain Wa­ters, Dex­ter Gill for Him, Win TV, and nu­mer­ous part­ners in An­guil­la, in­clud­ing, The Min­istry of Tourism, Par­adise Cove Re­sort, Cuisi­nart Re­sort & Spa, Cap Ju­lu­ca (Spice Restau­rant, Blue Restau­rant, Maun­day's Bay Club), Sea Sand Restau­rant at Ku Ho­tel, Shoal Bay, Veya Restau­rant, The Dune Pre­serve, Smokey's restau­rant, Pump House and Van­Coy's Lim­ou­sine Ser­vices.

Tune in to Tem­po, which is broad­cast­ed in Trinidad on Green­Dot, TSTT Blink, Ma­yaro Ca­ble & CN­MG and in To­ba­go on Tri­co to see the My Tem­po Trip re­al­i­ty se­ries. The first episode will al­so be aired on March 7 at 8 pm AST/7 pm EST.

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