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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

The star of David



Colonel Arthur Stephanos Mavro­gorda­to had served in the British man­dat­ed Pales­tine as Com­mis­sion­er of Po­lice be­fore com­ing to T&T to serve in a sim­i­lar ca­pac­i­ty. This po­si­tion was then termed In­spec­tor Gen­er­al of the Trinidad Con­stab­u­lary/Com­man­dant of Lo­cal Forces.His ser­vices in Pales­tine were prob­a­bly the most pro­duc­tive that any po­lice Com­mis­sion­er ever achieved. Pales­tine had been, with British con­cur­rence at the Bal­four De­c­la­ra­tion, air marked to be the Jew­ish home­land.The Pales­tin­ian Arabs did not con­cur, but Mavro­gorda­to nev­er­the­less man­aged to main­tain a re­mark­able de­gree of calm, law and or­der in the re­gion. This has since dis­ap­peared. The re­gion has con­tin­u­al­ly con­vulsed through­out the 30s, up to this present day.It has been taught with­in sev­er­al learned cir­cles in Trinidad, and with the ad­vent of In­ter­net, in the wider glob­al com­mu­ni­ty, that he, be­ing Jew­ish, gave the Star of David to the lo­cal po­lice force, army and cadet corps. In fact it has been a top­ic of con­ver­sa­tion on many of our ra­dio sta­tions.Mavro­gorda­to was se­lect­ed for the high­est po­lice post in Pales­tine be­cause he had the abil­i­ty to be un­bi­ased.

He was from the British colony, Cyprus, an is­land well fre­quent­ed and many times in­hab­it­ed by Jew­ish and Arab mi­nori­ties.Arthur Stephanos Mavro­gorda­to, his bap­tismal name, was from an an­cient aris­to­crat­ic Hel­lenic root­ing that pre­dates even the Greek main­land. He was Greek-Cypri­ot.Thor­ough­ly com­mit­ted to ex­cel­lence in the polic­ing work­place and an avid builder of the British Em­pire, Mavro­gorda­to in all like­li­hood felt that it would be im­pos­si­ble to con­test the Pales­tine pol­i­tick­ing any longer.This de­mon was in­vad­ing the Holy Land and so, he opt­ed for a trans­fer to Trinidad.Here he was greet­ed by lo­cal of­fi­cers wear­ing the same Star of David that they, as well as their pre­de­ces­sors had worn from well be­fore the end of the nine­teenth cen­tu­ry. Hours af­ter his ap­point­ment, he too wore the Da­vidic em­blem, an em­blem he had nev­er be­fore been priv­i­leged to wear.Af­ter suc­cess­ful­ly main­tain­ing the peace through­out Trinidad's 1937 But­ler episode, Com­mis­sion­er AS Mavro­gorda­to was pro­mot­ed to the pre war rank of Brigadier Gen­er­al /Com­man­dant of T&T Lo­cal Forces. Up­on re­tire­ment he was re­placed by WA Muller at the on­set of the sec­ond world war.In 1948 the mod­ern State of Is­rael was pro­claimed and of­fi­cial­ly adopt­ed their own an­cient Is­raelite Star of David as the na­tion­al em­blem, two decades af­ter the Brigadier had left the Holy Land, and more than a half cen­tu­ry af­ter the T&T's lo­cal forces made it their em­blem.

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