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Saturday, March 22, 2025

Melanie crowned Miss Oneness T&T



Poised and con­fi­dent, six young women graced the Cara Suite ball­room as they con­tend­ed for the cov­et­ed ti­tle of Miss One­ness Trinidad and To­ba­go on Au­gust 20. In the close­ly con­test­ed show, Melanie George Sharpe mar­velled the judges with her beau­ty and in­tel­li­gence as she was crowned the queen of the pageant. George Sharpe will soon be off to Thai­land to rep­re­sent T&T in the Miss Earth Beau­ty Pageant in No­vem­ber. Un­der the theme Moth­er Earth, the pageant fea­tured the con­tes­tants rep­re­sent­ing var­i­ous scenic en­vi­ron­men­tal as­pects of T&T.

George Sharpe, who hails from Pe­tit Val­ley, is cur­rent­ly pur­su­ing a Bach­e­lors De­gree in Busi­ness Man­age­ment at the Uni­ver­si­ty of the West In­dies. She por­trayed Ar­gyle Falls in To­ba­go. The 24-year-old beau­ty wowed the au­di­ence in the Swimwear cat­e­go­ry wear­ing a colour­ful biki­ni that ac­cen­tu­at­ed her curves. In the Cock­tail Dress seg­ment she con­fi­dent­ly mod­elled a coloured piece show­cas­ing the coun­try's trop­i­cal beau­ty. Sharpe al­so took home the prize for Miss Ami­ty and shared a Mod­el Schol­ar­ship with Miss Nar­i­va, Giselle Ram­samooj, who al­so copped the Miss Pho­to­genic and Miss In­tel­li­gence prizes.

Run­ner-up, Clif­fuero Eliz­a­beth Robin­son of La Hor­quet­ta, showed off her style with a daz­zling bright yel­low vin­tage cock­tail dress that cap­tured her out­er beau­ty. The gold­en and teas­ing swimwear al­so had the au­di­ence in awe. The 21-year-old beau­ty is em­ployed as a stage man­ag­er at a lo­cal tele­vi­sion sta­tion. Third place went to Wa­ter­loo's Princess Trot­man, who al­so won best tal­ent with a beau­ti­ful ren­di­tion of a Shur­wayne Win­ches­ter ca­lyp­so on the steel­pan. Trot­man, a Psy­chol­o­gy stu­dent who strut­ted her fine form in a blue and sil­ver close fit­ted dress, proud­ly rep­re­sent­ed the nat­ur­al won­der of To­ba­go's Buc­coo Reef.

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