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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

The birthday of Baha'u'llah



Ba­ha'u'llah is the ti­tle giv­en to the founder of the Ba­ha'i Faith. It is an Ara­bic word, which means, The Glo­ry of God. Ba­ha'u'llah was born on No­vem­ber 12, 1817 and the an­niver­sary of his birth­day is cel­e­brat­ed in Ba­ha'i com­mu­ni­ties in T&T and through­out the world.Ba­ha'u'llah was born in Tehran, Per­sia (now Iran) and was giv­en the name Mirza Husayn Ali. His fa­ther was a no­ble­man, who held a high-rank­ing po­si­tion in the court of the shah (king). From an ear­ly age Ba­ha'u'llah showed signs of great­ness and dis­played ex­tra­or­di­nary knowl­edge and wis­dom. Ba­ha'u'llah be­came a fol­low­er of the Bab, who was the pre­vi­ous man­i­fes­ta­tion of God. For this he was per­se­cut­ed and in 1852 was thrown in­to a filthy, un­der­ground dun­geon in Teheran called the Back Pit. A heavy (50kg) chain was placed around his neck, the scars of which re­mained with him for the rest of his life. It was in this ter­ri­ble place that he had a dream in which he re­alised that he was the man­i­fes­ta­tion of God for this age.

Af­ter four months he was re­leased and ban­ished from Per­sia. He and his fam­i­ly were forced to walk bare foot­ed through the snow cov­ered moun­tains to Bagh­dad. Then in 1863 He de­clared his mis­sion open­ly for the first time, a mis­sion which was to bring laws and teach­ings rel­e­vant to the time in which we live and to es­tab­lish world uni­ty through love.He was lat­er ban­ished fur­ther, in a vain at­tempt by the cler­gy and gov­ern­ment au­thor­i­ties to stop his in­flu­ence from spread­ing. He was first sent to Con­stan­tino­ple in Turkey (now Is­tan­bul) and then to Adri­anople, and fi­nal­ly to the prison City of Ak­ka in Pales­tine, where it was hoped that his teach­ings and in­flu­ence would fi­nal­ly be crushed, but this was not to be.Ba­ha'u'llah was lat­er per­mit­ted to live just out­side of Ak­ka in a place called Bahji. There he died and was buried in 1892. His grave is con­sid­ered by the Ba­ha'is to be a shrine and thou­sands of pil­grims, who are Ba­ha'is from all over the world, vis­it it every year.The birth­day of Ba­ha'u'llah will be cel­e­brat­ed in Ba­ha'i com­mu­ni­ties through­out T&T to­day. This day is con­sid­ered a holy day.Hap­py Holy Day to all the Ba­ha'is of T&T.

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