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Friday, March 14, 2025

Caribbean collections make London Fashion Week debut



Caribbean Ex­port, the re­gion's trade and de­vel­op­ment agency, with fund­ing un­der the EU's Tenth EDF, will be part­ner­ing with the Caribbean Fash­ion In­dus­try As­so­ci­a­tion as well as JAM­PRO, to de­but the Caribbean Col­lec­tion at Lon­don Fash­ion Week. The col­lec­tion is an ex­hi­bi­tion of cap­sule col­lec­tions from 13 es­teemed and ex­cit­ing hand-picked de­sign­ers, rang­ing from debu­tante Juli­ette Dyke of Ja­maica, to Phe­li­cia Dell of Haiti, whose range of hand­bags were cho­sen by Di­ane Von Fursten­berg to sell in her chain of stores across the globe mark­ing In­ter­na­tion­al Women's Day.

The ex­hi­bi­tion will cul­mi­nate in a pri­vate din­ner with in­ter­na­tion­al fash­ion and mu­si­cal icon, Grace Jones.

Chris Mc­Nair, man­ag­er at Caribbean Ex­port, said, "It is on­ly fit­ting that as we pre­pare to present to the world the Caribbean's best ath­letes, we al­so present our cul­ture and cre­ativ­i­ty in the form of our fash­ion. We have a fan­tas­tic group of de­sign­ers and hope that every­one will come out and see their work." Chair­man of the Caribbean Fash­ion In­dus­try As­so­ci­a­tion, Kings­ley Coop­er, said, "This ex­hi­bi­tion is re­al­ly about show­ing the fash­ion in­dus­try that we have de­sign tal­ent to com­pete in a glob­al are­na. The con­tri­bu­tion which the is­lands can make to fash­ion has gone un­der the world's fash­ion radar for too long.

"We are de­light­ed to be a part of Lon­don Fash­ion Week and as or­gan­is­ers of Caribbean Fash­ion Week, we see this as a big step for Caribbean fash­ion, as we con­tin­ue to de­vel­op our in­dus­try and po­si­tion our de­sign­ers to take their place on the world stage - our time is now," he said. The Caribbean Col­lec­tions ex­hi­bi­tion is en­dorsed by some of the world's most beau­ti­ful women, all hail­ing from the is­lands. Jeneil Williams who fol­lowed Kate Moss on the cov­er of LOVE and I-D mag­a­zines, adorned the cov­er of Ital­ian Vogue and has front­ed cam­paigns for Vivi­enne West­wood, Lan­vin and Louis Vuit­ton, will join for­mer Vic­to­ria Se­crets mod­el Nell Robin­son and her fel­low Ja­maican su­per­mod­el and Amer­i­can Vogue favourite Jaunel McKen­zie in sup­port­ing the col­lec­tion.

more in­fo

The Caribbean Ex­port De­vel­op­ment Agency is re­spon­si­ble for de­liv­er­ing the ex­hi­bi­tion in part­ner­ship with the Ja­maica Pro­mo­tions Cor­po­ra­tion and Caribbean Fash­ion In­dus­try As­so­ci­a­tion. The Caribbean Col­lec­tions ex­hi­bi­tion takes place on Feb­ru­ary 17–18, at Char­ing Cross Ho­tel, The Re­gency Room, The Strand, Lon­don.

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