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Saturday, March 15, 2025

PSI launches T-shirt campaign to help fight HIV/Aids



The lo­cal arm of Pop­u­la­tion Ser­vices In­ter­na­tion­al Caribbean (PSI) has in­tro­duced a line of trendy T-shirts to its ed­u­ca­tion­al ar­se­nal to­ward the pre­ven­tion of HIV/Aids in T&T.?The catchy slo­gan is Got It? Get It (GI­GI). The non-prof­it or­gan­i­sa­tion which em­barked on a re­gion­al con­dom so­cial mar­ket­ing pro­gramme sev­en years ago, un­veiled the fash­ion­able line of brand­ed T-shirts at a cock­tail re­cep­tion held at Drink Wine Bar, Ros­ali­no Street, Wood­brook, on?Thurs­day.

It's ex­pect­ed to be the first in an ex­cit­ing roll­out of brand­ed prod­ucts by the lo­cal chap­ter, which be­gins this Au­gust, with the prospect for ex­pan­sion in­to oth­er types of para­pher­na­lia in the new year. Guests at the un­veil­ing saw the pre­mier of a video, as well as a still pho­tog­ra­phy cam­paign that will ac­com­pa­ny the GI­GI brand.

Con­tin­ued on Page B23From Page B22

Ju­lia Roberts, Caribbean re­gion­al rep­re­sen­ta­tive for PSI, and Ta­tiana Par­rott, man­ag­er of the HIV/Aids Unit at the Min­istry of Labour, Small and Mi­cro En­ter­pris­es were in at­ten­dance. "Over the past few years, our pro­mo­tion­al brand­ed GI­GI slo­gan T-shirts have be­come pop­u­lar with young peo­ple across the re­gion," said Kevon Foder­ing­ham, man­ag­er for mar­ket­ing and com­mu­ni­ca­tions at PSI Caribbean. "It is com­mon­place to ven­ture in­to many Caribbean towns and vil­lages and see a young per­son or two wear­ing a GI­GI T-shirt em­bla­zoned with the slo­gans like: Sex Nice, But De Aids Ting. The in­tro­duc­tion of the se­lec­tive ap­par­el on the lo­cal mar­ket for sale at a price yet to be de­ter­mined, was part of a de­lib­er­ate ef­fort to find in­no­v­a­tive and sus­tain­able ways to en­gage its tar­get pop­u­la­tion," he said. Six years ago, PSI launched the brand which res­onat­ed well with the youths, and scored high for its abil­i­ty to em­pow­er this at-risk group to be sex­u­al­ly re­spon­si­ble.

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