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Monday, March 24, 2025

Who knew Minshall invented - Inflatable men?



At this year's Di­vali Na­gar in Ch­agua­nas, they were there–in­flat­ed air pup­pets, pro­pelled by jets of air, danc­ing in front of the fire­works shops.

You can see them every­where these days, pop­ping up in gas sta­tions and par­ties, at malls, fes­ti­vals, and pub­lic events, the tall boys of ad­ver­tis­ing. In Amer­i­ca, they've be­come ubiq­ui­tous since the 2000s.

Says ra­dio pro­duc­er Ro­man Mars: "Their wacky faces hov­er over us, and then fall down to meet us, and then rise up again. Their bod­ies flop. They flail. They are men. Men made of tubes. Tubes full of air."

They're joy­ous and wacky, or un­be­liev­ably tacky, de­pend­ing on your tastes.

Mars not­ed in his ra­dio pod­cast Episode 143: In­flat­able men (post­ed De­cem­ber 2, 2014) that in the States, where in­flat­able men ap­pear in vir­tu­al­ly "every used car lot in Amer­i­ca," sev­er­al cities have ac­tu­al­ly now banned the tube guys as dis­tract­ing vi­su­al clut­ter.

But Mars then went on to ed­u­cate lis­ten­ers about the fas­ci­nat­ing ori­gins of the tube guy. The orig­i­nal de­sign con­cept, he said, was in­vent­ed by our very own artist/mas­man Pe­ter Min­shall, at the 1996 At­lanta Olympic Games.

The air pup­pet de­sign was sub­se­quent­ly patent­ed by one of the col­lab­o­ra­tors in the de­sign process, a Los An­ge­les-based Is­raeli artist named Doron Gaz­it, who, af­ter the Olympic Games, got his patent ap­proved in 2001 and start­ed mak­ing mon­ey from it. It soon be­came a huge­ly suc­cess­ful medi­um for ad­ver­tis­ing.

Ra­dio host Mars ex­plained in his De­cem­ber 2 pod­cast:

"This be­came a point of ten­sion be­tween Gaz­it and Min­shall; Min­shall had been un­aware of Gaz­it's in­ten­tion to patent and mon­e­tise the in­flat­able fig­ure.

"Gaz­it, for his part, says that he ap­plied for a patent be­cause he put a lot of re­search and de­vel­op­ment in­to mak­ing the 'fly guy' (as Gaz­it calls them), and he was al­ready start­ing to see oth­er peo­ple rip off his ef­forts."

The de­sign idea may be 29 years old; but its mi­gra­tion from art to busi­ness has proved prof­itable: Gaz­it still li­cens­es its use through his com­pa­ny Air Di­men­sion­al De­signs. Among the com­pa­nies us­ing them is one which makes mod­ern-day scare­crows called Air Rangers, ex­treme­ly suc­cess­ful in scar­ing birds away from crops.

Pe­ter Min­shall re­called how the idea first came to him in a tele­phone in­ter­view with the T&T Guardian last week.

He said at the At­lanta Olympics, the de­sign team mem­bers were ex­per­i­ment­ing with ideas for the open­ing cer­e­monies. Min­shall thought one idea could be to use in­flat­able tubes ab­stract­ly, as a form of mo­bile screen, on­to which im­ages could be pro­ject­ed. But this ex­per­i­ment did not work.

The sight of all the ver­ti­cal tubes, how­ev­er, trig­gered oth­er as­so­ci­a­tions.

While sit­ting in the bleach­ers of the At­lanta Sta­di­um, he be­gan to sketch:

"I sketched two of the in­flat­able tubes and joined them at the waist, go­ing in­to one tube which is the tor­so; di­vid­ed them again at the top with the arms and a bit of a head...I saw two legs, two arms; I thought: My God, with a wind source, we could cre­ate a huge, in­cred­i­ble, un­du­lat­ing danc­ing fig­ure."

He en­vis­aged a sta­di­um filled with these tall, sway­ing fig­ures.

He made some work­ing draw­ings and re­alised he need­ed tech­ni­cal help. So the de­sign of­fice con­tact­ed Doron Gaz­it to ask for as­sis­tance, as Gaz­it had ex­pe­ri­ence in build­ing some of his own ex­per­i­men­tal wind-tube cre­ations.

"It was a hu­manoid pic­ture mo­ti­vat­ed by breeze," said Min­shall, who said the in­flat­ed men, which he called Tall Boys, were made ac­cord­ing to his de­sign idea.

The idea was then passed to Gaz­it to pro­duce work­ing pro­to­types. Min­shall said he had no idea that Gaz­it had in­ten­tions to patent it.

It wasn't un­til he had re­turned to Trinidad, some six months lat­er, that he got a call from a fel­low de­sign­er to tell him Gaz­it was start­ing to man­u­fac­ture the idea for prof­it.

"He should have called me up the mo­ment he thought about do­ing that," said Min­shall.

To­day, Min­shall is philo­soph­i­cal about what he sees as this al­most 30-year-old "theft": life goes on, and he said he has long since fo­cused his en­er­gies else­where.

Gaz­it's Fly Guys

Sam Dean has writ­ten his own cre­ation sto­ry of the tube guy. In his Bi­og­ra­phy of An In­flat­able Tube Guy–The Check­ered Past and Lone­ly Fu­ture of Air Pup­pets, he gives an in­ter­est­ing ac­count of the in­tense re­search done by Gaz­it.

While at­tend­ing in­dus­tri­al de­sign school in Jerusalem in the 1970s, Gaz­it had a side job sell­ing bal­loon de­signs (an­i­mals, hats, etc) on the streets, wrote Dean.

When Gaz­it in­tro­duced bal­loons to the Bedouins, he saw their "whim­si­cal, spir­it­ed" qual­i­ty. Then lat­er, while look­ing at the plas­tic-cov­ered green­hous­es on his fa­ther's farm, he got the idea of in­dus­tri­al­ly pro­duc­ing in­flat­able tubes for large-for­mat art. He de­vel­oped 500-foot long float­ing air tubes, which he strung in trees, across desert land­scapes, and in­to the wa­ters of the Dead Sea, wrote Dean.

He lat­er de­vel­oped tech­nol­o­gy to in­flate the tubes, and make them flame-re­tar­dant and UV-pro­tect­ed. He used thin ver­sions for art works, to be in­flat­ed by wind in na­ture; and heavy-du­ty ones, in­flat­ed by blow­ers, for de­sign events, wrote Dean. These tubes were all hor­i­zon­tal floaters.

The Olympic Com­mit­tee knew of Gaz­it from past work he'd done at the 1984 Los An­ge­les games.

Gaz­it said, in the Ro­man Mars ra­dio De­cem­ber 2 pod­cast, that the Min­shall Tall Boys idea was a big en­gi­neer­ing chal­lenge for him, as he had to find a way to make them ver­ti­cal, and he had to find the right mo­tor to give the ap­pro­pri­ate torque.

Even­tu­al­ly the Tall Boys came to life, look­ing much like present-day tube men, ex­cept for two things: the orig­i­nals were bipedal; and they were enor­mous–30 to 60 feet high.

Gaz­it made the idea work, and he's done a lot of work with in­flat­a­bles since those days.

Where they agree

Both Gaz­it and Min­shall agree that the idea was Min­shall's; and that Gaz­it turned the idea in­to re­al­i­ty. Where they dis­agree, the ra­dio pod­cast says, is "whether it was cool for Gaz­it to get a patent on it with­out in­form­ing Min­shall."

Re­gard­less of this decades-old quar­rel over in­tel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty, Min­shall still loves to see the chil­dren and grand­chil­dren of his 1996 idea. He said to Ro­man Mars on the De­cem­ber 2 pod­cast: "Can you imag­ine how I feel when a friend is dri­ving our fac­to­ry in Ch­aguara­mas...and I see a sort of diminu­tive ver­sion of a Tall Boy danc­ing up a storm by a gas sta­tion...And I'm sud­den­ly aware that they are danc­ing up...all over the plan­et. A part of me can't help but feel de­light."


more in­fo

About the pro­gramme: Pod­cast–Episode 143: In­flat­able Men: http://99per­centin­vis­i­­flat­able-men/

About 99 per cent In­vis­i­ble: The show is an in­no­v­a­tive ra­dio show-pod­cast about de­sign and ar­chi­tec­ture, cre­at­ed by Ro­man Mars. It has a wide reach, with more than 30 mil­lion down­loads, and claims to be one of the most pop­u­lar pod­casts in the world. It be­gan as a col­lab­o­ra­tive project be­tween San Fran­cis­co pub­lic ra­dio sta­tion KALW and the Amer­i­can In­sti­tute of Ar­chi­tects in San Fran­cis­co.

The name is from a quote by Buck­min­ster Fuller, who said, "Nine­ty-nine per cent of who you are is in­vis­i­ble and un­touch­able."

Each episode gen­er­al­ly fo­cus­es on a sin­gle top­ic or spe­cif­ic ex­am­ple of de­sign, of­ten in­clud­ing in­ter­views with ar­chi­tects, ex­perts, or peo­ple who have been in­flu­enced by the de­sign. As of 2014, 99% In­vis­i­ble is in its fourth sea­son. (Wikipedia)

Air Di­men­sion­al De­signs Inc:

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