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Saturday, March 22, 2025

T&T gospel artist debuts on Billboard chart



Trinida­di­an gospel reg­gae star Joel "Pos­i­tive" Mur­ray de­buts on Bill­board with his new hit al­bum Stand And Be Count­ed, which is now avail­able world­wide from all ma­jor dig­i­tal re­tail­ers (re­leased on May 5), from Fox Fuse.The al­bum de­buted at Num­ber 9 on the Bill­board Reg­gae Al­bum Chart for the week of May 23, mark­ing the first Bill­board ap­pear­ance for this in­spi­ra­tional artist, for his third full-length stu­dio ef­fort.

Pos­i­tive gar­ners in­ter­na­tion­al spot­light for the niche gospel reg­gae genre and re­in­forces his reign at its fore­front. Em­body­ing a triple threat–an ex­tra­or­di­nary singer, pro­lif­ic song­writer and genre-bend­ing pro­duc­er–Stand and Be Count­ed show­cas­es his sea­soned vo­cals, lyrics and pro­duc­tion skills as his di­vine tal­ents shine on its 15 tracks.

"It is ab­solute­ly re­mark­able to be chart­ing on Bill­board and I'm ec­sta­t­ic be­cause of what this means for Gospel reg­gae and for the mu­sic of Trinidad and To­ba­go on a whole," Pos­i­tive said in a re­lease.

"It isn't just for me but al­so for every­one who sup­ports the Gospel and good mu­sic–we are in the top ten of Bill­board's Reg­gae Al­bums chart. The en­tire globe is lis­ten­ing so we will keep send­ing in­spir­ing mes­sages as we seek to make a pos­i­tive dif­fer­ence in the world. This is a call to Stand And Be Count­ed!"

The al­bum al­so de­buted at Num­ber one on the iTunes T&T na­tion­al Top Al­bums chart and peaked at Num­ber 21 on the iTunes US Reg­gae Top Al­bums chart. It is cur­rent­ly fea­tured on the iTunes US Reg­gae sec­tion, re­ceiv­ing a top ban­ner on the Reg­gae page since its re­lease on May 5.

Putting a pos­i­tive spin on reg­gae mu­sic, fused with con­tem­po­rary Gospel, so­ca, dance­hall and Afrobeat, Pos­i­tive has earned ac­claim from mu­sic crit­ics and fans alike, ever since hit­ting the mu­sic scene eight years ago. He was the most-nom­i­nat­ed artist (13 nom­i­na­tions) and top hon­oree (eight wins) at the 2014 Caribbean Gospel Mu­sic Mar­lin Awards in Nas­sau, Ba­hamas where he re­ceived the top awards in­clud­ing Song Of The Year for Bless­ing Af­ter Bless­ing and Al­bum Of The Year for For­ev­er My King, re­leased in De­cem­ber 2012 from Fox Fuse.

Stand And Be Count­ed sees col­lab­o­ra­tions with Amer­i­can Gospel star Jonathan McReynolds on its lead track All Over The World, which is co-pro­duced by pop-reg­gae heavy­weight pro­duc­er Dwayne "Su­pa Dups" Chin-Quee, and Amer­i­can Chris­t­ian pop singer V Rose on Scars.

It al­so boasts pro­duc­tion from stel­lar names in pop, Gospel, reg­gae and so­ca mu­sic, in­clud­ing afore­men­tioned Gram­my-win­ning Su­pa Dups and Gram­my-nom­i­nat­ed pro­duc­er Ja­son "J-Vibe" Farmer, so­ca heavy-hit­ter Pre­ci­sion Pro­duc­tions along with JLab Pro and Deer Pan­teth Pro­duc­tions from Trinidad, and Barb­wiya Mu­sic of Ja­maica, all join­ing forces with Pos­i­tive, who pro­duced the ma­jor­i­ty of the al­bum for his own im­print Bricksvale Records.

With such pos­i­tive re­cep­tion of his al­bum in­ter­na­tion­al­ly, Pos­i­tive is def­i­nite­ly be­ing count­ed, by fans and now in­dus­try alike.

�2 For fur­ther in­for­ma­tion on Pos­i­tive, log on to Pos­i­tiveT­, and fol­low his mu­si­cal mis­sion at Face­­i­tiveT­NT, Twit­­i­tiveT­NT and In­sta­­i­tiveT­NT. Please di­rect all press in­quiries to the FOX FUSE Pub­lic­i­ty De­part­ment at 1-212-300-3813 or con­tact@fox­

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