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Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Loop gets an app upgrade



Close­ly fol­low­ing its one year an­niver­sary, Trend Me­dia Group, the lead­ing Caribbean dig­i­tal me­dia com­pa­ny and pub­lish­ers of on­line news app and web­site Loop, has un­veiled the newest ver­sion of its app, which will see cus­tomers en­joy­ing an im­proved ex­pe­ri­ence when they up­date or down­load the app from the An­droid, Win­dows and Ap­ple app store, a re­lease said.

Al­ready op­er­at­ing in the Cay­man Is­lands, Bar­ba­dos, Cu­ra­cao, Ja­maica and T&T, Loop's up­grade will see cus­tomers ex­pe­ri­enc­ing its new lay­outs and fea­tures–in line with plans to make the app avail­able in more coun­tries in this year.

Com­ment­ing on the new ver­sion, Trend Me­dia Group CEO, Richie Kel­ly, said, "Our cus­tomers spoke and we heard them loud and clear. With in­no­va­tion at the fore­front of our op­er­a­tions, cou­pled with best in class ser­vice, we would like to say thank you to our over 450,000 val­ued cus­tomers who have made Loop the num­ber one news app in the Caribbean in just one year."

He fur­ther ex­plained; "With the newest up­grade to the app, cus­tomers will now en­joy a sleek­er de­sign and an easy to ac­cess ap­pli­ca­tion and web­site lay­out. In ad­di­tion, we have strate­gi­cal­ly part­nered with some of the world's lead­ing apps to pro­vide our clients with val­ue added ser­vices and we are hap­py to be first in the re­gion with our of­fer­ings as a true on­line full ser­vice dig­i­tal agency."

Cus­tomers can sim­ply up­date or down­load Loop in the An­droid, Win­dows and Ap­ple app store to get the lat­est news and more. As Trend Me­dia forges ahead to pro­vide best in class ex­pe­ri­ence for its cus­tomers, the Loop mo­bile ap­pli­ca­tion sup­port for ver­sions of Black­Ber­ry old­er than BB10 will be dis­con­tin­ued come June 10..

Trend Me­dia took the de­ci­sion af­ter feed­back from its users and an ex­haus­tive ex­am­i­na­tion of cur­rent mar­ket trends, as well as the tech­no­log­i­cal chal­lenges as­so­ci­at­ed with de­vel­op­ing a qual­i­ty prod­uct for cus­tomers on the pre-BB10 Black­Ber­ry mo­biles.

Re­search shows that on­ly three per cent of the en­tire Loop cus­tomer base us­es Black­Ber­ry ver­sions that are old­er than Black­ber­ry10, as smart­phone de­mand and mar­ket share in the Caribbean con­tin­ues to shift away from this lega­cy soft­ware.

To this end, de­spite the dis­con­tin­u­a­tion of app sup­port, pre-BB10 users can still ac­cess the Loop web­sites af­ter June 10.

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