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Wednesday, February 26, 2025

17-year-old in court for murder of Tobago teen


Elizabeth Gonzales
35 days ago
Beris Joseph, 15, was murdered in Tobago.

Beris Joseph, 15, was murdered in Tobago.

A 17-year-old ap­peared be­fore the Chil­dren’s Court yes­ter­day, charged with the mur­der of 15-year-old Beris Joseph.

The teen was charged last week fol­low­ing ad­vice from the DPP’s Of­fice.

Joseph’s body was found in the Mt Hay area on Jan­u­ary 4. An au­top­sy re­vealed he was shot mul­ti­ple times about the head and neck.

The Form Four stu­dent of Sig­nal Hill Sec­ondary School was laid to rest last week.

He was To­ba­go’s first mur­der vic­tim in 2025. For the same pe­ri­od last year, the is­land record­ed two mur­ders.

In a video, which cir­cu­lat­ed on so­cial me­dia, Joseph, who ap­peared to be un­con­scious, was be­ing car­ried on the shoul­der of a male while an­oth­er man played with his head as it dan­gled on the side.

In the last 20 sec­onds of the video, what looked like chil­dren on bi­cy­cles, were seen rid­ing around him, taunt­ing him as he looked on with his hands and feet bound.

Snr Supt Earl Elie said Joseph was in­volved in cer­tain ac­tiv­i­ties that made him vul­ner­a­ble.

Speak­ing at a To­ba­go Stake­hold­ers Se­cu­ri­ty meet­ing on Jan­u­ary 9, Elie ex­plained how gangs have been ex­ploit­ing “im­pres­sion­able” teenagers and chil­dren from as young as age 12 in­to crim­i­nal ac­tiv­i­ties.

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