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Friday, March 14, 2025

Police seek to reach Shan's mom in China



Po­lice are con­tin­u­ing their search for kid­napped Chi­nese restau­rant own­er Xue Hua Shan. In­ves­ti­ga­tors up to late yes­ter­day were try­ing to make con­tact with Shan's moth­er who lives in Chi­na. Her rel­a­tives told po­lice the woman's moth­er re­ceived a text mes­sage on Wednes­day, say­ing her daugh­ter was re­leased. The mes­sage, po­lice said, was sent in a Chi­nese di­alect to Shan's moth­er a few days ago. An­oth­er close fam­i­ly friend in Chi­na al­so was ques­tioned by of­fi­cers of the An­ti-Kid­nap­ping Squad. He has since re­turned to Chi­na.

A text mes­sage was sent to the fam­i­ly mem­bers who own a busi­ness­place at Broad­way, Port-of-Spain.

Af­ter Shan was ab­duct­ed a $4 mil­lion ran­som de­mand had been made for her safe re­lease. How­ev­er, there has been no oth­er calls or texts from her cap­tors de­mand­ing mon­ey, po­lice said. Shan, 31, was re­port­ed ab­duct­ed out­side her Sev­enth Street, Barataria, home on April 14.

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