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Friday, March 28, 2025

Browne calls on ministers to apologise for traffic jam



Op­po­si­tion MP Dr Amery Browne has called on the new Trans­port Min­is­ter De­vant Ma­haraj and Works Min­is­ter Jack Warn­er to apol­o­gise to cit­i­zens for the un­prece­dent­ed traf­fic grid­lock from Port-of-Spain to Ch­aguara­mas yes­ter­day. From ear­ly yes­ter­day there was a mas­sive traf­fic jam from the Au­drey Jef­fers High­way in Port-of-Spain to Ch­aguara­mas as the Red Bull Flug­tag was staged in T&T for the first time.

Dr Browne, MP for Diego Mar­tin Cen­tral, said many of his con­stituents called him "to ex­press their dis­tress at the in­tractable traf­fic sit­u­a­tion in west Trinidad".

Browne said: "In the face of a pre­dictable chal­lenge, once again those re­spon­si­ble for traf­fic plan­ning and man­age­ment have failed in their du­ty to make things bet­ter for our cit­i­zens." Browne said res­i­dents of Diego Mar­tin and Care­nage "were forced to spend way too many hours in traf­fic" be­cause of the poor traf­fic arrange­ments for the event. He then called on the Min­is­ter of Trans­port "to apol­o­gise to those cit­i­zens for his fail­ure in this re­gard." "The Min­is­ter of Works may wish to re­spond as well, as he still seems to feel that the Trans­port port­fo­lio is his to com­ment on," Browne added.

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