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Thursday, March 27, 2025

Jack Warner responds to London Telegraph video: Ingratitude worse than witchcraft



For­mer FI­FA vice-pres­i­dent Jack Warn­er has re­spond­ed to the video record­ing of his CFU meet­ing in Port-of-Spain which was high­light­ed in the Lon­don Tele­graph last Thurs­day. In the fol­low­ing let­ter which was sent to the Guardian, Warn­er points out that the record­ing fell flat de­spite the pres­sures of for­eign in­ter­pre­ta­tion and the an­ti-Jack Warn­er sen­ti­ments. Warn­er al­so gives an in­sight as to what can be ex­pect­ed when he re­veals his tsuna­mi against FI­FA 'in the full­ness of time.'

Those who lis­tened to the video record­ing which was pro­mot­ed in the Lon­don Tele­graph last week and chose not to be duped by the pres­sures of for­eign in­ter­pre­ta­tion and an­ti-Jack Warn­er sen­ti­ments, would re­alise by now that what was sup­posed to be an ex­pos&ea­cute; of Jack Warn­er, sim­ply fell flat. The truth is that there is much to be told about how the FI­FA con­ducts its busi­ness and I have promised in the past a tsuna­mi that would hit the FI­FA, and in­deed, it will come. To the de­trac­tors who want to pre­dict time, place and cir­cum­stance for this tsuna­mi let me ad­vise all that, in the full­ness of time, it will come, but def­i­nite­ly not be­fore Mr Bin Ham­mam's case be­fore the Court of Ar­bi­tra­tion Sport (CAS) is re­solved. In short course, I will be speak­ing out about my role in the FI­FA and the changes I sought to bring about while I served its mem­ber­ship as mem­ber of its ex­ec­u­tive com­mit­tee and sub­se­quent­ly as one of its vice pres­i­dents dur­ing the 29-year pe­ri­od from 1982 - 2011.

I will talk about the bit­ter elec­tions for the FI­FA pres­i­den­cy in 1998 when Sepp Blat­ter faced his most telling ri­val in Lennart Jo­hans­son and the de­tailed rea­son for the sup­port which was of­fered to him by both Mo­hammed Bin Ham­mam and me. We took him on a world­wide cru­sade through Africa and Asia beg­ging for sup­port for him, and he won! That was the first time I met the present deputy chair­man of FI­FA ethics com­mit­tee, Petrus Damaseb, at the time the pres­i­dent of the Namib­ia FA. I will tell the world what gift Bin Ham­mam gave to him which was not a bribe then as he has ruled to­day. With Bin Ham­mam's pri­vate plane, we did the same for Blat­ter again in 2002 when he faced Is­sa Hay­a­tou, in a most bru­tal elec­tion, and he won-a sec­ond time.

I will talk about the dis­cus­sions, which Bin Ham­mam and I held with Blat­ter fol­low­ing the 2002 elec­tions, ask­ing him to change the im­age of the FI­FA. I will re­veal the cir­cum­stances un­der which I told Blat­ter that "black­ness in foot­ball must not be on­ly on the field of play but al­so on the field of the FI­FA ad­min­is­tra­tion." I re­quest­ed the in­tro­duc­tion of more per­sons of colour at the ad­min­is­tra­tive lev­el of the FI­FA, which to­day still has more than 95 per cent of its staff of over 300 per­sons be­long­ing to one race, one coun­try, one con­ti­nent.

In my ex­pos&ea­cute;, I will dis­cuss the litany of bro­ken promis­es made to me by Blat­ter who, in­stead of try­ing to in­clude a larg­er num­ber of per­sons of colour and oth­er mi­nori­ties with­in the ad­min­is­tra­tion of the FI­FA, sought in­stead to pla­cate me by as­sign­ing me to in­creas­ing num­bers of FI­FA com­mit­tees and ap­point­ments. I will talk about the racism that is with­in FI­FA. I will talk about the lev­els of re­li­gious dis­crim­i­na­tion which I sought to cor­rect. I will talk about the Zion­ism, which prob­a­bly is the most im­por­tant rea­son why this acrid at­tack on Bin Ham­mam and me was mount­ed. These are just some of the is­sues of which I will speak as it re­lates to the FI­FA.

I will al­so tell you about the at­tempts I have made over the years, in my ca­pac­i­ty as Deputy Chair­man of FI­FA Fi­nance Com­mit­tee, to find out the salary of Sepp Blat­ter, and in spite of serv­ing on the Fi­nance Com­mit­tee for over 8 years, I have not been able, through the books or even through di­rect re­quests to him, to de­ter­mine the quan­tum of mon­ey giv­en to him for the of­fice of the Pres­i­dent of FI­FA. The changes I sought to ef­fect at the FI­FA, I at­tempt­ed to start with­in the CON­CA­CAF and the Caribbean Foot­ball Union (CFU) when I brought An­ge­nie Kan­hai from the low­ly paid salary serv­ing as a sta­di­um man­ag­er and po­si­tioned her as gen­er­al sec­re­tary of the CFU. I will talk about how this change was to shift the par­a­digm of per­cep­tion that foot­ball is a male-on­ly, African-cen­tred sport by in­tro­duc­ing a woman of East In­di­an de­scent at a man­age­r­i­al po­si­tion with­in the CFU, as a first mea­sure. I will al­so give you de­tailed ac­counts of the con­spir­a­cy against the CFU by one of its own, who se­cret­ly video­taped that meet­ing for Chuck Blaz­er and was re­ward­ed with an of­fice in Mi­a­mi and a high­er salary and who uni­lat­er­al­ly moved the CFU's 33-year-old of­fice from Port-of-Spain to Mi­a­mi so that every Caribbean of­fi­cial want­i­ng to do foot­ball busi­ness in the Caribbean had to get a US visa. You will al­so un­der­stand why in­grat­i­tude is worse than witch­craft.

The role of Blaz­er in the CON­CA­CAF will be ex­posed. His ad­dic­tion to the stock mar­ket and how this im­pact­ed on the CON­CA­CAF's fi­nances will all be re­vealed. You will al­so be told why for some sev­en years I re­fused to sign Blaz­er's con­tract and even to­day as I write to you he has none. You will learn why Blaz­er be­came vice-pres­i­dent of CON­CA­CAF ahead of Sunil Gu­lati, the present pres­i­dent of the USSF. His wheel­ing and deal­ing will stymie the in­ter­na­tion­al foot­ball com­mu­ni­ty; it is no won­der he has sig­nalled his in­ten­tions to leave his CON­CA­CAF post. It is on­ly when the tsuna­mi hits that the glob­al vil­lage will you un­der­stand why he has done all in his pow­er to de­ny Lisle Austin of his right to the post of act­ing pres­i­dent at CON­CA­CAF be­cause he is quite aware of what a five-year au­dit in­to CON­CA­CAF will re­veal about him. There is much to talk about that will make the spon­sors of both the FI­FA and CON­CA­CAF cringe with painful sur­prise. The vin­dic­tive­ness of FI­FA, not on­ly against me but al­so against all oth­ers as­so­ci­at­ed with me will be ex­posed. The FI­FA has tried to muz­zle me with threats of a world­wide sus­pen­sion. They have said that they will close down the FI­FA De­vel­op­ment Of­fice in Trinidad by year-end. They have ad­vised that they will ter­mi­nate my son's 2012 con­tract at the end of this year.

They have re­tak­en the World Cup TV Rights first giv­en to me by the for­mer Pres­i­dent of FI­FA, Dr Joao Have­lange, a mat­ter for which they have not heard the last. They have re­fused to give me any of my 29-year pen­sion. They con­tin­ue to do such things like leak­ing a video in the hope that they can em­bar­rass me to lie down on my bel­ly. Nev­er, I re­peat, nev­er, re­gard­less of the con­se­quences. Let me as­sure all that the promised tsuna­mi will come. All the re­al "gifts" that Blat­ter gave to se­cure his two elec­tions will turn stom­achs in­side out. The con­spir­a­cy to pro­tect the FI­FA's throne for Michel Pla­ti­ni by get­ting rid of the Mus­lim Bin Ham­mam and the in­ter­rup­tion of the suc­cess­es of Jack Warn­er will be un­cov­ered for all to see. Of the eight FI­FA Pres­i­dents, on­ly one was not a Eu­ro­pean-Dr Joao Have­lange was Brazil­ian. Three were Eng­lish, one was Bel­gian, the in­cum­bent is Swiss and two were French. Is it that peo­ple of colour can­not ad­min­is­ter foot­ball? Or is it that on­ly Eu­ro­peans pos­sess the skill to do so? Is this why Pla­ti­ni is be­ing groomed as heir ap­par­ent? For the last FI­FA elec­tion, the last count be­fore the elec­tion showed that Blat­ter had 90 votes and Bin Ham­mam had 85 in a 209 FI­FA mem­ber­ship. Who­ev­er got 105 votes would have won. CON­CA­CAF has 35 votes of which the Caribbean has 25. It would have been an in­ter­est­ing en­counter un­til the re­gion was sold out to Blaz­er and Blat­ter. Even af­ter Blat­ter had paid for a pri­vate plane for me to meet him in Guatemala to a mid­night meet­ing I re­fused to give him CON­CA­CAF's pub­lic sup­port as all of the oth­er Con­fed­er­a­tions ex­cept Asia.

To­day the Caribbean is pay­ing the price for stand­ing up! What is now even more in­ter­est­ing is that in spite of be­ing a se­nior FI­FA of­fi­cial for 23 years and serv­ing as the FI­FA's 8th pres­i­dent for a pe­ri­od of 13 years, Sepp Blat­ter now sud­den­ly sees the need to re­form the FI­FA from with­in in his last term of of­fice and in the sun­set of his days. This is hyp­o­crit­i­cal to say the least for it is pub­lic knowl­edge that his four terms of of­fice have been dogged with con­tro­ver­sy and al­le­ga­tions of cor­rup­tion to which he has nev­er re­spond­ed. Why now I ask? But of this I will have much more to say.

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