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Thursday, February 27, 2025

Champs Self Help Marines issues warning Sin­gle Pan pre­lims be­gin in South



With a thrilling per­for­mance in Pleas­antville on Thurs­day night, the 2011 Panora­ma South/Cen­tral Sin­gle Pan Bands de­fend­ing cham­pi­ons, Self Help Marines, sound­ed a warn­ing to their com­peti­tors that they in­tend to keep the ti­tle this year. The Mara­bel­la band was among ten tra­di­tion­al steel­bands com­pet­ing for top ho­n­ours be­fore judges and scores of pan fa­nat­ics at the Pleas­antville Com­mu­ni­ty Grounds, San Fer­nan­do. Among those who came with a vengeance to de­throne the de­fend­ing band were La Ro­maine Su­per Vibes, Rio Claro Koskeros, High­lighters, Pan Re­vival and New Age Trend­set­ters.

The semi­fi­nal round of the Sin­gle Pan Bands com­pe­ti­tion takes place on Feb­ru­ary 11 at Lar­ry Gomes Sta­di­um, Ari­ma. Bring­ing up the rear, in po­si­tion num­ber ten, Self Help Marines, woke up the au­di­ence with a stir­ring ren­di­tion of Lennox Pi­cou's Get Up and Dance. Arranged by Ja­son Bap­tiste, the song was ex­e­cut­ed with the rhythm sec­tion and front­line pans in sync with each oth­er. The young play­ers cre­at­ed an ex­cit­ing spec­ta­cle as they jumped, wined and jammed be­hind their pans. The au­di­ence lapped up their per­for­mance. An­oth­er crowd pleas­er, Fyz­abad 4th Di­men­sion, chose Mer­chant's Um­bayao in its at­tempt to se­cure a place in the fi­nals. The band, which topped the 2011 Siparia Pan-on-the-Move Com­pe­ti­tion, ex­e­cut­ed a sweet and smooth per­for­mance.

Cho­rus and hook­lines were vo­calised by the play­ers as they chipped on the spot be­hind their pans. One of the few re­main­ing tra­di­tion­al Pan-Round-the-Neck steel­bands, Jah Roots, had pa­trons danc­ing around the ground to their se­lec­tion of An­dre Tanker's Ben Li­on. A large fam­i­ly of pan­nists, led by Jesse Lessey, Jah Roots re­ceived hearty cheers from sup­port­ers in ap­pre­ci­a­tion of their of­fer­ing. New­com­ers to the com­pe­ti­tion, Ste Madeleine's own Kings Row Retro Rid­dim Steel Or­ches­tra, gave a cred­itable de­but per­for­mance.

Play­ing with a slow tem­po, the band de­liv­ered a groovy ren­di­tion of Lord In­ven­tor's Run Yuh Run. Re­sults for this edi­tion of the com­pe­ti­tion are sched­uled to be re­leased on Tues­day. The pre­lim­i­nary round of the sin­gle pan com­pe­ti­tion con­tin­ues to­day at the Cyd Gray Sta­di­um, Rox­bor­ough, To­ba­go, from 1 pm.

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