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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Media asked to leave Pan Trinbago meeting



Mem­bers of the me­dia were or­dered out of a meet­ing of Pan Trin­ba­go yes­ter­day at the Scherzan­do pa­n­yard in Curepe. The meet­ing was called fol­low­ing al­le­ga­tions lev­elled against Pan Trin­ba­go pres­i­dent Kei­th Di­az, al­leg­ing lack of trans­paren­cy and in­tegri­ty, by two for­mer mem­bers of the cen­tral ex­ec­u­tive who re­signed abrupt­ly.

At yes­ter­day's meet­ing, sched­uled to start at 10 am, Di­az promised to re­veal all. How­ev­er,an hour lat­er, Di­az spoke close to 30 min­utes and was in­to dis­cus­sions on the res­ig­na­tion let­ters filed by for­mer as­sis­tant sec­re­tary Bev­er­ley Ram­sey-Moore and trustee Kei­th Simp­son. He then asked the me­dia present to leave af­ter a mem­ber ques­tioned why the me­dia were present in a "pri­vate" meet­ing called for the gen­er­al mem­ber­ship.

The mem­ber said se­ri­ous mat­ters were be­ing dis­cussed and need­ed to be ironed out be­fore they were pre­sent­ed to the pub­lic. Mem­bers of the me­dia present com­plied with Di­az's re­quest to leave. Di­az came un­der fire last week when the res­ig­na­tion let­ters, made pub­lic, cit­ed the ex­ec­u­tive was op­er­at­ing with a gen­er­al lack of trust.

In an ear­li­er in­ter­view, Ram­sey-Moore told the T&T Guardian she felt the need to re­sign af­ter ex­press­ing on nu­mer­ous oc­ca­sions, her con­cerns about trans­paren­cy and in­tegri­ty in re­gard to busi­ness con­duct­ed un­der Pan Trin­ba­go. She said the ex­ec­u­tive had been plung­ing in­to projects with­out the ap­proval of the cen­tral ex­ec­u­tive. Among the projects cit­ed was the Africa T&T Steel­pan De­vel­op­ment Com­pa­ny Ltd, a new sub­sidiary of the or­gan­i­sa­tion which was launched last week.

She al­so ex­pressed con­cern about funds spent for con­sul­ta­tion on man­ag­ing the "Greens" for Panora­ma 2012. Di­az has since dis­missed the al­le­ga­tions, say­ing: "Peo­ple must be care­ful about what they are say­ing be­cause lit­i­ga­tion can fol­low." When con­tact­ed yes­ter­day af­ter the meet­ing, Di­az said a me­dia re­lease will be is­sued giv­ing de­tails of what tran­spired at the meet­ing.

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