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Friday, March 28, 2025

Guardian 50 Mo­ments that made T&T His­to­ry

End of an era



Ju­ly 31, 2003

AF­TER 28 years in which it lost bil­lions of dol­lars, Ca­roni (1975) Ltd will to­day wind up its op­er­a­tions mark­ing the end of an era for the state-owned agro-in­dus­tri­al com­pa­ny. The pro­duc­er will make way for the Sug­ar Man­u­fac­tur­ing Com­pa­ny (SMC) which will be re­strict­ed to re­fin­ing op­er­a­tions at Usine St Madeleine and the Es­tate De­vel­op­ment and Man­age­ment Com­pa­ny, which will at­tract and man­age in­dus­tri­al ac­tiv­i­ty.

Most of the com­pa­ny's 9,000-odd work­ers have re­port­ed­ly ac­cept­ed Gov­ern­ment's vol­un­tary sep­a­ra­tion of­fer and are due to be­gin re­ceiv­ing their sep­a­ra­tion pack­ages, which to­tal al­most $800 mil­lion, next week. The qui­et end, though, has come af­ter stormy months which saw the unions protest­ing Gov­ern­ment's di­vest­ment plan.

More re­cent­ly, the All Sug­ar and Gen­er­al Work­ers Trade Union tried, un­suc­cess­ful­ly, to stop the VSEP of­fer through the In­dus­tri­al Court. "I have done my du­ty. I can live with a very clear con­science," Rudy In­dars­ingh said re­cent­ly, ex­plain­ing that since the union could not stop the VSEP, all he could do was to en­sure that the pack­ages the work­ers will re­ceive will be to their ben­e­fit.

"Ca­roni (1975) Ltd will cease to be a trad­ing com­pa­ny as we know it and a small team of peo­ple will be work­ing on cer­tain as­pects of the in­dus­try," Ca­roni CEO Chan­dra Bo­bart said Tues­day. The ef­fort to close the sug­ar com­pa­ny is not new. In 2001, a re­port by a com­mit­tee ap­point­ed by the then gov­ern­ment rec­om­mend­ed Ca­roni's clo­sure. The UNC gov­ern­ment, though, said clo­sure was on­ly one op­tion.

The cur­rent ad­min­is­tra­tion has re­peat­ed­ly said Ca­roni's re­struc­tur­ing is nec­es­sary be­cause it has been a drain on the Trea­sury. The claims have been backed up by in­ter­na­tion­al agen­cies Stan­dard and Poors and the In­ter­na­tion­al Mon­e­tary Fund, which cit­ed con­cerns over the fail­ure of pre­vi­ous gov­ern­ments to deal with the prob­lems faced at Ca­roni.

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