A Curepe teenager with a passion for science is now in Barbados at a highly respected youth science programme, courtesy the state-owned National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago (NGC). Yavniel Yatali, of Norton Street, Curepe, was selected as the NGC 2012 SPISE (Student Programme for Innovation in Science and Engineering) scholar. SPISE is a one-month enrichment residential programme for gifted Caribbean high school students between the ages of 15 and 17 who are considering studies leading to a career in science and engineering.
NGC's support for Yatali followed an invitation from the Caribbean Science Foundation (CSF), organiser of the SPISE initiative. CSF is based at the Cave Hill Campus in Barbados. According to CSF, the aim of SPISE is to "help address the low numbers of Caribbean students pursuing advanced degrees in science and engineering." CSF's long-term objective is to help diversity the economies of the Caribbean by stimulating more technology-based entrepreneurship within the region.
As an employer of choice for many top science graduates in Trinidad and Tobago, NGC has embraced the SPISE programme as a worthy initiative. The programme began on August 6 at the Cave Hill Campus and continues until September 1.