Pan Trinbago is in crisis. That's the view of former Pan Trinbago executive member Beverly Ramsey-Moore, who is seeking election as president of the organisation. Elections for a new Pan Trinbago executive will take place on October 28. Nominations close tomorrow. Ramsey-Moore, a former member of the Tobago House of Assembly, and her team filed their nomination papers at Pan Trinbago's office on Park Street, Port-of-Spain, yesterday. Officials of the organisation questioned the reason for media workers being in the building yesterday, saying there was to be no electoral activity by anyone at the office.
They said if Ramsey-Moore was to have any media-related event it could be held at another venue, and claimed they had no knowledge of the event. Minutes later, Ramsey-Moore and her team entered, accompanied by pannist Len "Boogsie" Sharpe. Ramsey-Moore said there was need to do more for panmen and an urgent need for leaders with a new vision to run Pan Trinbago.
She said businessmen had discontinued their support for the steelband body under the leadership of incumbent president Keith Diaz but under her leadership, Pan Trinbago would move to get the support of the Government and the private sector. "We are about change. We are about servant leadership. We are about taking the organisation to another level," she added. Sharpe appealed to the slate of candidates to ensure they won the elections. He said October 28 was his birthday and "your victory must be my birthday gift."