Sport Minister Anil Roberts says the George Bovell III Aquatic Centre that was proposed for Powder Magazine, Cocorite, was never a government project-it's his family's private venture. He said promises were made by several entities over the years to complete it but they were never fulfilled.
Now, as a minister, he has vowed that he will not use taxpayers' money to fulfil a personal dream but instead will ensure that projects under his ministry are delivered to the people, namely the aquatic centre that is planned for Couva, in proximity to the Ato Boldon Stadium.
He said Shanghai Construction received the contract and construction had begun on the $193,221,739.70 national aquatic centre which is expected to be completed in 20 months and which will be named in honour of the Olympic medallist. The former national swimmer and trained swim coach said, "After 46 years of the initial promise for an aquatic centre, the People's Partnership will deliver this for Trinidad and shortly for Tobago but with proper tendering."
He said the design of the aquatic centre will be consistent with recently built international aquatic centres such as the Beijing Aquatic Centre, which cost approximately $762 million for the 2008 Olympic Games. The Couva centre is expected to offer T&T the capacity to attract international aquatic events and to develop the level of the national water sports teams.
Roberts said, "To all the mischief makers who would like to suggest that this Government is removing everything from Port-of-Spain because Port-of-Spain is PNM and we're developing the rest of the country because it is UNC...absolute rubbish. "This Government follows the constitution unlike the PNM, that only develops their areas." He said Couva was set to become a sporting village. Roberts spoke to the Sunday Guardian on November 22 at Sweet Briar's Place, St Clair.
'My pool will be built with private funds'
Since becoming a minister, Roberts has relinquished his role as director of the Piranha Aquatic Swim Club in which his father, brother and deceased mother were directors. In 1985, his family formed the club and at that time, he said his brother, Shastri, was the top swimmer in the English-speaking Caribbean. Shastri subsequently won nine gold medals at the Carifta Games in 1986.
The Roberts family had been members of The Marlin Swim Club since 1977. His father was a guarantor of a loan to build the pool located at St Anthony's. However, when faced with several changes and challenges, the family formed its own club.
"At that time, the Piranha Aquatic Swim Club was approached by the then Port-of-Spain mayor Williams (father of Eric Williams, former PNM minister) and my father negotiated and got five acres of land in Powder Magazine to put down a facility." He claimed a former Port-of-Spain mayor told him that no aquatic centre would be built in the area for "poor people" because the land was too valuable and should be used for high-rise apartments.
He said even though the land belonged to the city corporation, the club had a 25-year lease with a 15-year extension to build the centre for young people. At every juncture there was resistance, Roberts said. He believed the centre was an absolute necessity for the people in the area.
Roberts said, "We have been fighting for years and let me say it is a private pool and has nothing to do with the Government. "And in fact, it has been my dream to build it but by coming into politics and becoming the Minister of Sport, I have ensured that my dream will never be fulfilled because as minister I cannot, and the Government cannot build any pool there (Cocorite) because what will they say? That it is Roberts building a pool for himself, from himself and so on.
"If the pool is built, it will be done with private funds."
No land left in west Trinidad...Couva to become sporting village
There's no land left in west Trinidad, said Roberts. Even at Mt Hope, certain parcels of land were needed for construction of the interchange. Couva was chosen because land was available. Approximately ten acres of land is needed. There was land ownership issues in certain areas in the west and not wanting to get involved in any disputes, he said Couva was the choice.
The Balmain Cricket Centre will be upgraded, the Ato Boldon Stadium is already used for football and track and field and the aquatic centre and cycling velodrome will make the spot a sporting village on approximately ten acres of land. Roberts said, "In essence it will become a sporting village which will encourage domestic investment, entrepreneurs, hotels, guest houses, restaurants, malls, shops..they will generate activity there."
He said a growth pole will be created through sporting activities so when the facilties are completed, not only will children benefit but economic activity will enter the area. He said the Tourism Development Company and the Business?Development Unit of the Sport Company had already started marketing the facility. He said in the winter months, it is hoped that the facility will become a hub for training university teams from the US, Canada and England.
The George Bovell III National Aquatic Centre will comprise:
•a 50m indoor swimming pool designed and equipped to host international swimming competitions with seating capacity for 700 persons with the possibility of an additional 700
•a 50m indoor warm up pool with capabilities to adjust lanes to host 25m swimming competitions
•an indoor diving pool with diving well 25m x 20m x 20m with the requisite concrete diving platforms at 3m, 5m and 10m, as well as two 1m diving spring boards and two 3m diving spring boards
•an outdoor 25m pool be designed to host swimming competitions, diving competitions, synchronised swimming and water polo competitions
•aqua gym, fitness and spa
•concession facilities and general user facilities
•athletic and operation facilities
•system and equipment facilities
•water park entertainment facility and
•medical area