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Friday, February 28, 2025

Man beaten to death with brass knuckles



Po­lice have ar­rest­ed two "bounc­ers" who beat a Gas­par­il­lo man to death with brass knuck­les at a bar in the area yes­ter­day morn­ing.A third, is still at large.The vic­tim, Ken­neth Mar­shall, 51, was lim­ing at Na­tion­al Bar, Caratal Road, Gas­par­il­lo, around 12.05 am, when he re­port­ed­ly got in­to an ar­gu­ment with three oth­er pa­trons, who per­form bounc­er du­ties at a club in San Fer­nan­do.

Re­ports in­di­cate that Mar­shall, a pipe fit­ter with Sam­sung En­gi­neer­ing, lat­er hugged and apol­o­gised to one of the men up­on learn­ing that his moth­er had re­cent­ly died.An eye­wit­ness at the bar told the T&T Guardian, it seemed as though the apol­o­gy was not enough, as the three men fol­lowed Mar­shall in­side the bar and pro­ceed­ed to at­tack him in the pres­ence of oth­er pa­trons.

The wit­ness said the three men, who were wear­ing brass knuck­les, be­gan punch­ing and kick­ing Mar­shall, who fell to the ground. One even took up a stool and struck him re­peat­ed­ly, un­til he lost con­scious­ness.Af­ter re­al­is­ing he was not mov­ing, the men ran out of the bar, in­to a gold-coloured Nis­san Almera and sped off.

Po­lice were con­tact­ed and ASP Sid­har­rie, In­spec­tors William, Year­wood and WP Gor­don re­spond­ed. They lat­er held two sus­pects, a 31-year-old man of Union Hall, San Fer­nan­do, and an­oth­er, 32, of Mara­bel­la. A search has been mount­ed for the third sus­pect who is known to the po­lice.At the fam­i­ly's St Fabi­an Street, Spring Land, home, yes­ter­day, a rel­a­tive said Mar­shall had on­ly gone for a walk and left his car be­hind.

She said short­ly be­fore 1 am, peo­ple be­gan call­ing their home in­form­ing them of the fight and by the time rel­a­tives ar­rived at the bar, he was al­ready dead.The homi­cide di­vi­sion is con­tin­u­ing in­quiries.

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