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Thursday, March 27, 2025

New petition for PM today



En­vi­ron­men­tal ac­tivist Dr Wayne Kublals­ingh has mo­bilised sev­er­al civ­il so­ci­ety groups to sign a pe­ti­tion in sup­port of the pro­posed new route for the Debe to Mon De­sir seg­ment of the Solomon Ho­choy High­way ex­ten­sion.This pe­ti­tion is ex­pect­ed to be de­liv­ered to the Of­fice of the Prime Min­is­ter to­day.

Kublals­ingh spent yes­ter­day, day 14 of his sec­ond hunger strike, out­side of the Of­fice of the Prime Min­is­ter in St Clair, with his moth­er and sev­er­al Mon De­sir res­i­dents un­der um­brel­las as they wait­ed for a re­sponse on the new pro­pos­al.Gov­ern­ment has not yet re­spond­ed to the High­way Re-route Move­ment's (HRM) pro­pos­al which was an­nounced by leader of the Move­ment for So­cial Jus­tice (MSJ) David Ab­du­lah, last week.

"I feel that the Prime Min­is­ter has be­fore her a very ex­cel­lent way out of this. It is a way that if she wish­es, she can im­ple­ment it and claim vic­to­ry for her Gov­ern­ment and vic­to­ry for the peo­ple," Kublals­ingh said in an in­ter­view."We (the HRM) don't have any in­cli­na­tions about de­clar­ing vic­to­ry in this mat­ter. We want to give all vic­to­ry to the Prime Min­is­ter and the Gov­ern­ment of T&T. I think this is a vic­to­ri­ous plan. I think she needs to get to­geth­er with her sci­en­tists and do a very close scruti­ny of it."

The plan in­cludes the use of parts of the high­way al­ready con­struct­ed by the Gov­ern­ment, along with con­nec­tor roads al­ready ex­ist­ing in the South­ern com­mu­ni­ties."If she has any ques­tions we have a tech­ni­cal team wait­ing to present her with de­tails," he said.He said a few or­gan­i­sa­tions had signed on but he would re­veal which or­gan­i­sa­tions to­day.

Kublals­ingh seemed to be in high spir­its yes­ter­day and said he felt good, de­spite not hav­ing con­sumed food or wa­ter for the past 14 days."I was in the gar­den this morn­ing, I spent an hour and a half in a salt wa­ter bath. I feel good."This morn­ing when I left home I felt bad but my spir­its are buoyed. I feel good that there is so much me­dia here and so many sup­port­ers."He said he felt de­hy­drat­ed but his doc­tor had said his vi­tal signs were still sta­ble as of yes­ter­day.

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