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Thursday, February 27, 2025

Game on! Soca Warriors call off boycott of CFU final



Game on!

That's the as­sur­ance now be­ing giv­en by the cap­tain of the So­ca War­riors, Ken­wynne Jones.

Speak­ing with the T&T Guardian a short while ago, Jones said he was con­tact­ed by the Min­is­ter of Sport Dr Ru­pert Grif­fith ear­ly this morn­ing and giv­en an as­sur­ance that the na­tion­al foot­ballers will be paid all out­stand­ing ar­rears.

"We are hap­py that they stepped in to sort out the sit­u­a­tion. So, as a re­sult of the as­sur­ance giv­en we are hold­ing them to their word and game is on.

"We can­not com­ment fur­ther but we are go­ing to wait un­til we get those cheques in our hands as promised again."

Tonight the T&T So­ca War­riors will play in the fi­nal against the Ja­maica na­tion­al team, the Reg­gae Boyz, at the Mon­tego Bay Sports Com­plex in Ja­maica.

Asked if he and the team were ready for tonight's bat­tle for the CFU Caribbean Cup ti­tle, Jones said, "De­spite all that we have been through, the guys are hyped. We are look­ing for­ward to tonight's game be­cause it may be the first and on­ly time that we will win some­thing for T&T. We will be go­ing out to bring back that ti­tle."

Last night, Jones and his team said they had de­cid­ed to boy­cott the match pend­ing the pay­ment of ar­rears go­ing back as far as four years. The play­ers said they were frus­trat­ed over the sit­u­a­tion.

The So­ca War­riors are ex­pect­ed to re­turn to T&T to­mor­row night.

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