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Thursday, March 27, 2025

Hormone-free chicken farm in T&T by year-end



By the end of this year, the first an­tibi­ot­ic-free and hor­mone-free chick­en farm is ex­pect­ed to be es­tab­lished in T&T.

The idea is be­ing hatched by founder of Blooms Im­ports, busi­ness­man Ja­son Fran­cis.

For the past three years, Fran­cis has been sell­ing hor­mone-free chick­en parts and whole chick­ens im­port­ed from the Unit­ed States to restau­rants, gourmet shops and se­lect­ed su­per­mar­kets. The de­mand for this prod­uct by chick­en lovers in T&T has been grow­ing since they con­sid­er it safer and health­i­er to con­sume, and kinder to the en­vi­ron­ment.

Fran­cis, who op­er­ates his busi­ness in Diego Mar­tin, now wants to spread his wings and es­tab­lish the coun­try's first all-nat­ur­al chick­en farm.

Ac­cord­ing to Fran­cis, the ma­jor­i­ty of lo­cal­ly grown chick­ens are in­ject­ed with hor­mones and an­tibi­otics. The an­tibi­otics are in­ject­ed in­to the eggs and added to the feed in low dosages in or­der to pre­vent dis­eases in the chick­ens. Hor­mones make chick­ens grow faster. A chick­en grown on an­tibi­otics and hor­mones sells for far less than an all-nat­ur­al chick­en. Hor­mone-free chick­en breasts cost be­tween 50 and 60 per cent more than lo­cal chick­en breasts at su­per­mar­kets in T&T.

Fran­cis said he sells whole an­tibi­ot­ic-free and hor­mone-free chick­en at $20 per pound.

"This price in­cludes a 61 per cent im­port du­ty which is passed on to the con­sumer. It is re­al­ly ex­pen­sive for me to bring in the chick­ens," Fran­cis ex­plained. He said, how­ev­er, that once the farm comes on stream, he would sell whole chick­en at $17 per pound. Fran­cis thinks more peo­ple would be able to af­ford the chick­en if it were grown lo­cal­ly.

On Feb­ru­ary 25, Fran­cis in a Face­book video ap­pealed to large and small poul­try farm­ers to part­ner with him to start a hor­mone-free farm. The three-minute video gen­er­at­ed a favourable re­sponse from sev­er­al farm­ers, Fran­cis said. Fran­cis, a na­tion­al of the US who mar­ried a Trinida­di­an, said one farmer ex­pressed an in­ter­est in get­ting in­volved in the busi­ness.

"We are will­ing to put in the time and mon­ey to raise the all-nat­ur­al chick­ens here. We are not go­ing to sac­ri­fice qual­i­ty for quan­ti­ty. I am al­most there. I am al­most to the point where I can say we are go­ing to do it soon. The fore­most thing is we want more cus­tomers to be able to buy the prod­uct. I think it is pos­si­ble. It is not go­ing to be easy. But we are go­ing to give it our best shot."

So far, Fran­cis said, one site in Debe had been iden­ti­fied, and a farmer in To­ba­go had al­so ex­pressed in­ter­est.

Fran­cis said the farm should be up and run­ning with­in the next eight months, which could help re­duce the food im­port bill, gen­er­ate rev­enue for the coun­try, sup­ply a su­pe­ri­or prod­uct to chick­en lovers, and give the peo­ple of T&T a healthy al­ter­na­tive.

"The de­mand for the or­gan­ic chick­en is grow­ing. In some cas­es, cus­tomers do not mind pay­ing a lit­tle ex­tra for the chick­en that is not fed hor­mones and an­tibi­otics," Fran­cis said.

Once the farm be­comes op­er­a­tional, Fran­cis plans to sell whole chick­ens then parts.

He is yet to work out if the farm will op­er­ate on a small or large scale.

"Cus­tomers do their own re­search on chick­ens that are grown on hor­mones and an­tibi­otics; that is why they come to us," Fran­cis said.

He said many lo­cal farm­ers gave their chick­ens com­mer­cialised feed, which has a longer shelf life.

"If you are giv­ing your chick­ens reg­u­lar feed it is not or­gan­ic. It's got med­i­cines in that feed that they just do not know."

The farmer who part­ners with Im­ports Bloom must be able to mill his own feed, which Fran­cis promis­es will be free from hor­mones.

"If they are un­able to do this, we will im­port an all-nat­ur­al feed from the US. We are not get­ting any re­sponse from the lo­cal mills or any­body from the feed com­pa­nies that want to change their in­gre­di­ents a lit­tle bit for us. There is one guy who is will­ing to set up a mill for us so they can put what­ev­er in­gre­di­ents we want in the feed," Fran­cis said.

The farm would al­so pay at­ten­tion to the way it process­es its chick­ens.

Where­as birds are typ­i­cal­ly dipped in a vat of wa­ter af­ter pluck­ing, Fran­cis plans to air dry the birds.

In­for­ma­tion ob­tained from Wikipedia stat­ed that every year, more than 40 bil­lion chick­ens are slaugh­tered world­wide for meat, the vast ma­jor­i­ty of them in­ten­sive­ly fac­to­ry farmed.

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