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Saturday, March 15, 2025

Cops probe reported rape of student



Al­though a med­ical re­port on a 19-year-old sex­u­al as­sault vic­tim showed signs of phys­i­cal abuse, in­ves­ti­ga­tors still aren't sure whether she was ac­tu­al­ly raped.

Ac­cord­ing to re­ports, the San Fer­nan­do stu­dent went to po­lice on Sat­ur­day and re­port­ed that around 10 pm she was walk­ing along Roy Joseph Road, San Fer­nan­do when a man ran up be­hind her and locked her neck.

The man then dragged her in­to an emp­ty lot where he had sex with her and ran off. She told in­ves­ti­ga­tors that the man was a dark coloured afro-Trinida­di­an, 5'2" tall and slim built. This de­scrip­tion, po­lice said, would have been a small per­son.

The woman was tak­en to the San Fer­nan­do Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal by WPC Valdez where DMO Dr Bachan ex­am­ined her.

Po­lice said their ap­peared to be no vagi­nal bruis­ing but there were lac­er­a­tions on her el­bows and shoul­ders and mouth.

Po­lice said they searched the area for a sus­pect match­ing the rapist's de­scrip­tion, but up to Mon­day, no ar­rests were made. They said they were mind­ful that vic­tims' rec­ol­lec­tion of the trau­mat­ic in­ci­dents can be dis­tort­ed.

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