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Thursday, January 23, 2025

Dame Louise Horne marks 102

...says politi­cians need help



Dame Louise Horne says to­day's politi­cians need help.

She was speak­ing af­ter shar­ing her 102nd birth­day cel­e­bra­tions with Elsie Theophilus at the St Pe­ter's Home for the Aged at Mt St Bene­dict, Up­per St John's Road, St Au­gus­tine, yes­ter­day.

The pi­o­neer­ing so­cial work­er and for­mer sen­a­tor was born on May 13, 1913.

When Horne was asked what she thought of the be­hav­iour of MPs now in Par­lia­ment, she said, "They need help to un­der­stand what life re­al­ly gives and what they could put in­to life.

"They're not just friends with you be­cause they meet you now so.

"No, they must re­alise that you have a liv­ing and not on­ly that, you have a fam­i­ly and that every­thing per­haps that they thought that you will do, you don't do at all.

"So that you teach peo­ple by your liv­ing with­out you re­al­is­ing that you're do­ing that."

When asked what was her se­cret for longevi­ty, she replied that she had no spe­cial di­et, it was more due to the kind of par­ents she had.

Horne said a per­son's par­ents fixed his or her be­hav­iour. She said she had re­ceived from her par­ents a lot more than many oth­er peo­ple would have re­ceived from theirs and that's how she man­aged to live by the grace of God.

Horne said she grew up among church-go­ing peo­ple. Her fa­ther, James Horne, was An­gli­can, her moth­er, Elic­i­na Horne, was Ro­man Catholic, and her aunt sang in the San­ta Rosa choir, so she had been raised to be God-fear­ing.

She thanked the peo­ple for com­ing out and cel­e­brat­ing her birth­day with her, mak­ing her feel hap­py.

Coun­cil­lor for Au­zonville/ Tu­na­puna Es­mond Forde pre­sent­ed plaques to Horne and Theophilus in­scribed with their favourite Psalms 130 and 91, re­spec­tive­ly.

Al­so present at the event were Mag­is­trate Gladys Gafoor, Fr Hugh Joyeau, Ari­ma Bor­ough Coun­cil­lor Hi­lary Bernard, Dr Lennox Pierre, St Pe­ter's Home man­ag­er Char­lotte Julien and Eliz­a­beth Julien.

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