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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Warn­er an­gry at prison time...

All bets off Kamla



In­de­pen­dent Lib­er­al par­ty (ILP) leader Jack Warn­er last night promised to ex­pose all the wrong­do­ings of Prime Min­is­ter Kam­la Per­sad-Bisses­sar's Peo­ple's Part­ner­ship Gov­ern­ment.

He made the com­ment as he ap­peared at an ILP meet­ing in Ch­agua­nas hours af­ter he walked out the Port-of-Spain prison hav­ing fi­nal­ly se­cured his bail.

"As of tonight, Kam­la, all bets are off," he told his sup­port­ers.

"Hav­ing jailed me, as of tonight all bets are off. Every­thing I have against Kam­la I will bring it out. I have kept it too long."

Warn­er spent the night in jail Wednes­day as he was un­able to se­cure bail in time fol­low­ing an ap­pear­ance in the Port-of-Spain Mag­is­trates Court, in re­la­tion to charges brought against him by the US De­part­ment of Jus­tice for ac­tiv­i­ties as a for­mer Fi­fa ex­ec­u­tive mem­ber.

Say­ing his ex­pe­ri­ence over the past 24 hours had made him re­alise just how vin­dic­tive the PP Gov­ern­ment was, a vis­i­bly up­set Warn­er said he would take off all gloves in the build up to the elec­tion.

Af­ter us­ing his sig­na­ture phrase of 'not tonight,' Warn­er gave a glimpse of what was to come.

"Kam­la said I nev­er helped her fi­nan­cial­ly but that is a lie," he said. (See Page A6)

He al­leged that he was par­ty to cam­paign fi­nanc­ing dri­ves in which they vis­it­ed con­trac­tors across the coun­try in 2010, but said it "was so ob­scene" that he stayed out­side as oth­er par­ty of­fi­cials went to con­duct the ac­tiv­i­ty.

Stop­ping there, Warn­er said he felt as though his life was threat­ened and had made four video tapes which he would dis­trib­ute to four lawyers.

"I will give one to a PNM lawyer, one to a ILP lawyer, one to a MSJ lawyer and one to my lawyer. They be­lieve they could walk all over me be­cause I have re­mained silent but Jack is alive and kick­ing."

Warn­er al­so di­rect­ly ad­dressed the charges against him stem­ming from his tenure as Fi­fa vice-pres­i­dent and Con­ca­caf and CFU pres­i­dent.

He de­nied be­ing guilty of the charges lev­elled against him by the US De­part­ment of Jus­tice.

"I have been in Fi­fa for 30 years and if I took that mon­ey, who gave it to me? Why are on­ly of­fi­cials in third world coun­tries be­ing charged?"

He said he was de­pressed in jail be­cause he had nev­er been to jail in his life. But he main­tained there would be no gov­ern­ment in this coun­try with­out the ILP. He said his im­pris­on­ment was part of a big­ger plan.

"There are peo­ple in this coun­try and in Gov­ern­ment who hate Jack Warn­er and want to see him im­pris­oned," he said.

He al­so ques­tioned the haste in which the ex­tra­di­tion or­der was signed by At­tor­ney Gen­er­al Garvin Nicholas.

"The charge came here and in 15 min­utes Nicholas signed it. He nev­er spoke to me, he nev­er called to look at ev­i­dence. It took the AG three months to sign for Ish and Steve," he said.

"He signed to send his coun­try­man to the USA in chains. If Nicholas had his way I wouldn't be here at all. Get rid of Row­ley. Get rid of Warn­er, then call elec­tions."

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