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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Jah Cure arrested after concert... Owes promoter $83,000



Ja­maican reg­gae artist Jah Cure is the lat­est in­ter­na­tion­al per­former to face le­gal woes whilst on tour in Trinidad.

The 36-year-old per­former, re­al name Sic­ca­ture Al­cock, was ar­rest­ed by mar­shals of the Port -of-Spain High Court short­ly af­ter com­plet­ing his per­for­mance at a show at the O2 Park in Ch­aguara­mas on Sun­day night.

Al­cock, who has been a reg­u­lar fix­ture on the lo­cal en­ter­tain­ment scene since be­ing re­leased af­ter serv­ing an eight year prison for rape in Ja­maica in 2008, was brought to the Hall of Jus­tice around 1 am.

Af­ter lengthy dis­cus­sions be­tween his lawyer Mario Mer­ritt and at­tor­neys for the lo­cal pro­mot­er who he owes over TT $83,000 in per­for­mance fees for a con­cert that did not ma­te­ri­alise, Al­cock was al­lowed to go free.

The T&T Guardian un­der­stands that Al­cock was able to pay US$6000 in cash to the court and agreed to pay the re­main­der by this evening.

Al­cock is ex­pect­ed to re­turn to court to­mor­row morn­ing to re­port to Jus­tice James Aboud if he was able to meet the dead­line.

In Ju­ly dance­hall artist Re­ano Busy Sig­nal Gor­don was ar­rest­ed be­fore per­form­ing in a con­cert af­ter a pro­mot­er sought emer­gency court in­ter­ven­tion over an un­paid US $37000 debt. He too was able to ne­go­ti­ate an agree­ment and was lat­er al­lowed to leave the coun­try.

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