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Thursday, March 27, 2025

Prison Service aims to reduce repeat offenders

Vic­tims to con­front con­victs for clo­sure



Vic­tims of crime or their fam­i­lies may soon have the op­por­tu­ni­ty to face their at­tack­ers as the T&T Prison Ser­vice moves to in­tro­duce vic­tim-of­fend­er di­a­logue to its re­ha­bil­i­ta­tion sys­tem.This was re­vealed by As­sis­tant Com­mis­sion­er of Pris­ons Ger­ard Wil­son at the launch of the ser­vice's three-day ex­hi­bi­tion at Gulf City Mall, La Ro­maine, yes­ter­day.

The event, en­ti­tled Cre­ative Ex­pres­sions from Be­hind the Prison Wall, is part of an au­dio, vi­su­al and per­form­ing arts pro­gramme for in­mates.

The pro­gramme is just one part of restora­tive jus­tice and Wil­son said the vic­tim-of­fend­er di­a­logue was a fea­ture that has worked in the Unit­ed States. It will al­low vic­tims or, in the case of mur­der or manslaugh­ter, a rel­a­tive to vis­it the con­vict in prison where both par­ties will have a chance to speak while un­der su­per­vi­sion. He said it might bring clo­sure to both vic­tims and of­fend­ers.

"We have start­ed to pre­pare in terms of restora­tive jus­tice and one of the biggest facets in it and this vic­tim/of­fend­er meet­ing where both can meet and there is some lev­el of clo­sure for the vic­tim. Pret­ty soon we will like to in­tro­duce that to our sys­tem be­cause it is hap­pen­ing abroad where it is quite ef­fec­tive and we are at­tempt­ing to do that here now.

"I can't give you a time­frame but it is some­thing that we are look­ing at in terms of the whole restora­tive process. Both par­ties must first agree. It could be mur­der where­by if a son or daugh­ter is mur­dered, the par­ent, ei­ther one, can come to see the of­fend­er.

"I've seen it in Amer­i­ca where the of­fend­er, more or less, was very ner­vous about the meet­ing so that said some­thing. It said to him that he was get­ting an op­por­tu­ni­ty and I think that is what we have not done. I think we have to start look­ing at do­ing that. It could help be­cause it brings clo­sure to the vic­tim's fam­i­ly, if it is a mur­der, and to the of­fend­er be­cause he would feel that he has got­ten it off his con­science."

De­spite the neg­a­tive pub­lic­i­ty the prison ser­vice faced this year with prison breaks, up­ris­ing by in­mates and wage protests by pris­ons of­fi­cers, Wil­son said they were do­ing their part in crime fight­ing. He said re­ha­bil­i­ta­tion pro­grammes helped to re­form pris­on­ers so that they would not be­come re­peat of­fend­ers. In ad­di­tion, he said, YTEPP and oth­er ter­tiary ed­u­ca­tion pro­grammes were al­so avail­able to pris­on­ers.

Snr Supt Fy­zo­ol Han­iff said em­ploy­ers had to do their part in stem­ming re­cidi­vism by not turn­ing away for­mer con­victs who were look­ing for em­ploy­ment. He said that the pub­lic need­ed to give them a sec­ond chance to keep them from turn­ing back to a life of crime.

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