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Sunday, March 30, 2025

Dead fish mystery at La Brea again



Close to 400 pounds of dead fish has once again washed up on the shores at Point Sable and Carat Shed beach­es, La Brea, spark­ing fear among res­i­dents that what ever caused their death could al­so af­fect them.

The find has pro­pelled pres­i­dent of the La Brea Fish­er­folk As­so­ci­a­tion, Alvin La Bor­de, to once again plead with the En­vi­ron­men­tal Man­age­ment Au­thor­i­ty (EMA) to come clean with the re­sults of tests con­duct­ed in the past and say what was caus­ing the fish kill to con­tin­ue.

Speak­ing at Carat Shed beach yes­ter­day, La Bor­de said fol­low­ing the dis­cov­ery of car­cass­es of a bot­tle-nose dol­phin and oth­er ma­rine life on the beach last Au­gust, nu­mer­ous sam­ples were tak­en but the re­sults were nev­er re­vealed.

"Ba­si­cal­ly the same thing is hap­pen­ing again. A lot of dif­fer­ent species of fish is wash­ing ashore and it is a cause for se­ri­ous con­cern.

"What is killing the fish could be af­fect­ing hu­man be­ings in some way. We want to know if this fish kill is as a re­sult of some sort of chem­i­cal be­ing dumped in the sea be­cause it does not hap­pen through­out the year."

He said dead fish first start­ed sur­fac­ing fol­low­ing the Petrotrin oil spill two years ago but did not be­lieve that was re­spon­si­ble for the present sit­u­a­tion. He said there were a lot of com­pa­nies op­er­at­ing around the Gulf of Paria and tox­i­c­i­ty lev­els in the wa­ter must be test­ed and re­vealed so it could be cor­rect­ed.

La Bor­de said since the new wave of fish kill start­ed on Sun­day, "I con­tact­ed the EMA and they as­sured me they would be get­ting in touch with the In­sti­tute of Ma­rine Af­fairs (IMA) and come down here to do some test­ing."

Rep­re­sen­ta­tives were yet to ar­rive, he said.A trustee with the fish­ing as­so­ci­a­tion, Wayne Hen­ry, ques­tioned what sense it made to test sam­ples when the re­sults re­mained hid­den.

"Fish­er­men from Ota­heite, Clax­ton Bay, do night fish­ing on these beach­es. When they throw their nets in­to the sea chances are some of the sick fish could get caught up in the nets and they could sell these to un­sus­pect­ing cus­tomers who could die and no­body will know what killed them be­cause some of the half dead ones look good. Fish­er­men want a prop­er in­ves­ti­ga­tion in­to what is caus­ing this fish kill," Hen­ry said.

La Bor­de ex­pressed dis­ap­point­ment with the re­sponse of the elect­ed rep­re­sen­ta­tives for La Brea, in­clud­ing the lo­cal gov­ern­ment coun­cil­lor and MP Nicole Olivierre.He said the as­so­ci­a­tion had been try­ing to arrange a meet­ing with Olivierre, who is al­so the En­er­gy Min­is­ter, since last year with no suc­cess.

"We have asked for sev­er­al meet­ings with Miss Olivierre and the last re­sponse we got from her sec­re­tary is that the ear­li­est avail­able date is the end­ing of Feb­ru­ary," La Bor­de said.

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