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Friday, March 28, 2025

Ca­roni Cen­tral Farm­ers' Mar­ket to...

Cut out middleman, help people earn $$



Wahid Ogeer, the farmer who cre­at­ed the Trinidad Moru­ga Scor­pi­on will be teach­ing in­ter­est­ed farm­ers and gar­den­ers free of charge how to grow his fiery, taste buds-sear­ing pep­per at The Ca­roni Cen­tral Farm­ers' Mar­ket at Preysal Sec­ondary School on Feb­ru­ary 27. He said he can al­so show farm­ers how they can max­imise their crop pro­duc­tion us­ing lim­it­ed land space.

The Ca­roni Cen­tral Farm­ers' Mar­ket, MP for Ca­roni Cen­tral Dr Bhoen­dra­datt Tewarie said, was re­al­ly set up to en­cour­age the peo­ple of his con­stituen­cy to not on­ly be good farm­ers and pro­duce good qual­i­ty crops, but to be able to make a liv­ing out of it.

Tewarie said at the first farm­ers' mar­ket (a small­er but sim­i­lar con­cept to the San An­to­nio Green Mar­ket, San­ta Cruz) in Jan­u­ary, there were a few farm­ers and a lot more peo­ple in­volved in the mak­ing of pre­serves and spe­cial­ty items such as pick­led smoke her­ring and pick­led buljol, as well as a very di­verse of­fer­ings from jew­ellers, artists and ar­ti­sans.

The UNC MP said he al­so want­ed to en­cour­age oth­er en­ter­pris­ing peo­ple in the com­mu­ni­ty to use their en­tre­pre­neur­ial ini­tia­tive and take ad­van­tage of the com­mer­cial op­por­tu­ni­ty every month in the con­stituen­cy.

The plan, de­vel­oped by Tewarie and Mi­ran­da Roopchan, field of­fi­cer for his con­stituen­cy, is to have the mar­ket on a month­ly ba­sis as it grows from strength to strength. Tewarie is al­so en­cour­ag­ing and sup­port­ing the ini­tia­tives of peo­ple like Ogeer who wants to help oth­ers suc­ceed.

Ogeer, who is the pres­i­dent of the Prac­ti­cal Agri­cul­tur­al Train­ing In­sti­tute of T&T and pres­i­dent of the Con­fed­er­a­tion of Farm­ers' As­so­ci­a­tion of T&T, and who op­er­ates a 25-acre farm at Chick­land Ca­paro Road in Freeport, said he was will­ing to share his knowl­edge to help oth­ers earn and to grow the coun­try's food stock, es­pe­cial­ly in this pe­ri­od of re­ces­sion and the need to di­ver­si­fy from oil and gas.

Ogeer, 68, a self-taught farmer for decades, said he us­es his high-yield pro­duc­tion method to grow oth­er crops such as corn, ed­does, yams, sweet pota­toes, toma­toes and gin­ger.

He said his vi­sion was for his farm to be a teach­ing in­sti­tute, but it re­quired an ac­cess road, wa­ter and elec­tric­i­ty.

"I could pro­duce a min­i­mum of 40,000 pounds of food from one acre of land in one year," Ogeer said.

"And that is if the farmer has an ir­ri­ga­tion sys­tem and if the fer­til­i­ty of the soil is 50 per cent and above, any kind of plant, any­where, any­how...I will be able to do it and al­so with a min­i­mum of chem­i­cals.

"I will be able to teach farm­ers through an agri­cul­tur­al in­sti­tute which will be eas­i­er, home gar­den­ing, root crop farm­ing. Plant­i­ng more trees and veg­eta­bles all con­tribute to com­bat glob­al warm­ing."

Ogeer sug­gest­ed a sys­tem where farm­ers could be con­tract­ed by Gov­ern­ment or pri­vate in­vestors to pro­duce 40,000 pounds of food crops so that they will have mon­ey guar­an­teed at the end of the year.

He said farm­ers can be giv­en $1.50 a pound on their pro­duce and a back pay of 50 cents, they will have $80,000 from one acre of land, and ex­pens­es will be ap­prox­i­mate­ly $20,000.

Ogeer said they were aim­ing for the ex­port mar­ket since the coun­try pro­duced the high­est qual­i­ty of food in the world. He said down­stream in­dus­tries mak­ing pre­serves will ben­e­fit as well as chil­dren in the school feed­ing pro­gramme. Ogeer said VAT should be re­moved on food for peo­ple to af­ford nu­tri­tious food.

Lash­ley: An op­por­tu­ni­ty­to sell sur­plus pro­duce­and cut out mid­dle­man

Bar­bara Lash­ley and her hus­band, Ruthven, have ap­prox­i­mate­ly 1,000 fruit trees on 15 acres of their land at Pipecon Road, Carlsen Field.

Be­sides the reg­u­lar pro­duce most peo­ple are ac­cus­tomed to in the mar­ket, there are sev­er­al rare and ex­ot­ic species of fruit and trees to be found.

Some are mamisipote, date palm, ko­la nut, wax ap­ple, long and short pois doux, pen­ny piece, Ja­maican plum trees, Chi­nese tamarind tree, ma­hogany and cedar trees, yel­low and white poui trees, and even an ap­ple tree.

Lash­ley said they man­aged to ed­u­cate their four chil­dren and send each one to uni­ver­si­ty via agri­cul­ture.

For the 26 years she has been on her farm, every cor­ner on her par­cel of land has fruit trees, and the ground space in be­tween short crops have been plant­ed for max­i­mum yield.

Lash­ley, who took part in the first Ca­roni Cen­tral Farm­ers Mar­ket in Jan­u­ary 30, is en­cour­ag­ing farm­ers, en­tre­pre­neurs and small back­yard gar­den­ers who have a sur­plus of pro­duce to take part in the next mar­ket so they can gain ex­pe­ri­ence and share knowl­edge with one an­oth­er.

She said the farm­ers' mar­ket was a very good idea since it cut out the mid­dle­man and many peo­ple came look­ing for more prod­ucts.

Lash­ley said farm­ers need­ed mod­est in­cen­tives from the Gov­ern­ment such as prop­er ir­ri­ga­tion, ponds, rid­ing mow­ers, lights and paved roads.

She said noth­ing was wast­ed, "turned cas­sa­va" was sold to the Sug­ar Cane Feeds Cen­tre in Long­denville to feed live­stock.

Lash­ley said she didn't sell in the mar­ket, she gave some­one to sell for her and sold her pro­duce house to house.

She said if she didn't get the price she was call­ing for, she would re­duce it and come home with her trunk emp­ty.

Lash­ley said she al­so do­nat­ed her pro­duce to Liv­ing Wa­ters and does com­mu­ni­ty work with the un­der­priv­i­leged who need­ed clothes or shoes.

Patrick: Make agri­cul­ture

more at­trac­tive to youths

Kei­th Patrick, Lash­ley's son-in-law, whose ba­nana crops have been af­fect­ed by the black Siga­to­ka dis­ease, said while there had been for­eign help and ex­per­tise in St Lu­cia and oth­er Caribbean coun­tries to reestab­lish their ba­nana plan­ta­tions, there was no such help in T&T that he knew of to aid farm­ers to com­bat the dis­ease.

He said labour was al­so a chal­lenge; there was a des­per­ate need to get young peo­ple to view agri­cul­ture as some­thing vi­able.

Patrick said un­for­tu­nate­ly agri­cul­ture was not mar­ket­ed as be­ing at­trac­tive com­pared to the med­ical and le­gal pro­fes­sions.

He said it must be in­cul­cat­ed from school lev­el with pro­grammes such as 4-H.

Patrick said in terms of ma­chin­ery, there should be a slid­ing scale so that all farm­ers can ben­e­fit from ma­chin­ery such as trac­tors, equip­ment and ve­hi­cles and not just larg­er scale farm­ers.

Patrick al­so sug­gest­ed that to make a por­tion of land avail­able to stu­dents who want to study agri­cul­ture at uni­ver­si­ty.

Ram­per­sad: Govt should

act as farm­ers' mid­dle­man

Madan and Pol­ly Ram­per­sad get up at 3 am on week­ends at their Mc Nair Es­tate, Cunu­pia farm to reach the San Juan Mar­ket in time to set up their stall be­fore 5 am. If they don't, they will lose sales as cus­tomers come out at that time.

Ram­per­sad said when the mar­ket was un­der ren­o­va­tion, they were giv­en per­mis­sion to vend on the road and when com­plet­ed they could re­turn to sell in the fa­cil­i­ty. Ram­per­sad said new­com­ers were ac­com­mo­dat­ed in the ren­o­vat­ed mar­ket be­fore them and they were now sell­ing from two emp­ty lots of land near the mar­ket.

If rain ham­pered sales, Ram­per­sad will give away any ex­cess pro­duce or shared it in­stead of throw­ing it away.

He said ven­dors should be al­lowed to sell on the road up to 2 pm if they caused no in­con­ve­nience and traf­fic.

He said au­thor­i­ties can al­so fa­cil­i­tate ven­dors sell­ing on the mar­ket com­pound and Gov­ern­ment should act like the mid­dle­man and buy farm­ers' pro­duce.

Ram­per­sad said the most im­por­tant thing was to have a mar­ket for farm­ers' pro­duce and more peo­ple would want to go in­to farm­ing.

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