The Ministry of Health is recording three (3) new deaths from COVID-19 in its latest clinical update.
According to the Ministry, as at 4pm on Friday 9 October 2020, the Ministry records a total of 89 deaths from COVID-19, three more than the total recorded in its update on Thursday October 8th.
The Ministry’s update also records 58 new positive COVID-19 cases, but notes that this reflects the samples taken during the last 3 days and not the last 24 hours.
These latest positive cases, the Ministry says, bring the total number of active cases to 1,776.
Other highlights from the Ministry’s update include:
● Total number of patients in hospital = 115
● Total number of patients in step-down facilities = 36
● Total number of patients in state quarantine facilities = 159
● Total number of persons in home self-isolation = 1625