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Saturday, March 22, 2025

4 more lives lost to COVID-19


1085 days ago

Four more lives have been lost to COVID-19 over the past 24 hours, ac­cord­ing to the lat­est up­date from the Min­istry of Health.  The Min­istry says three (3) of the de­ceased had mul­ti­ple co­mor­bidi­ties, and one (1) per­son had one co­mor­bid­i­ty.

Two of those re­port­ed dead from COVID-19 to­day were el­der­ly fe­males; one de­ceased per­son was an el­der­ly male; and one de­ceased per­son was a mid­dle-aged male.  Among the co­mor­bidi­ties from which they suf­fered were di­a­betes, hy­per­ten­sion, car­dio­vas­cu­lar dis­ease, lung dis­ease, liv­er dis­ease, and en­docrine dis­ease.

The Min­istry notes that these lat­est deaths have pushed up the na­tion­al death toll to 3,754 lives lost.

Al­so in its up­date for to­day, Fri­day 1st April 2022, the Min­istry of Health re­ports that 299 peo­ple have test­ed pos­i­tive for COVID-19, based on sam­ples tak­en be­tween 29th and 31st March 2022. 

These new in­fec­tions mean the num­ber of ac­tive cas­es in the coun­try now stands at 6,754.

As of to­day, Fri­day 1st April 2022, some 138,159 peo­ple have test­ed pos­i­tive for COVID-19 in Trinidad and To­ba­go since pan­dem­ic track­ing be­gan in March 2020.

Cur­rent­ly, some 709,101 peo­ple in the coun­try are ful­ly vac­ci­nat­ed, hav­ing com­plet­ed ei­ther a one-dose or two-dos­es reg­i­men of a COVID-19 vac­cine.

And some 145,843 peo­ple have re­ceived their boost­er dos­es of a COVID-19 vac­cine, as of to­day, Fri­day, the Min­istry’s up­date re­ports.

COVID-19COVID-19 deathsHealthMinistry of Health

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