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Tuesday, January 21, 2025

7 killed in capsized San Diego boats were Mexican migrants


679 days ago
Boat salvager Robert Butler, left, and KC Ivers, right, prepare to move one of two boats on Blacks Beach, Sunday, March 12, 2023, in San Diego. Authorities say multiple people were killed when two suspected smuggling boats overturned off the coast in San Diego, and crews were searching for additional victims. (AP Photo/Gregory Bull)

Boat salvager Robert Butler, left, and KC Ivers, right, prepare to move one of two boats on Blacks Beach, Sunday, March 12, 2023, in San Diego. Authorities say multiple people were killed when two suspected smuggling boats overturned off the coast in San Diego, and crews were searching for additional victims. (AP Photo/Gregory Bull)

At least sev­en of eight peo­ple killed when two boats cap­sized in shal­low but tur­bu­lent surf off the San Diego coast were Mex­i­can mi­grants, Mex­i­can of­fi­cials said Mon­day.

Pre­lim­i­nary iden­ti­fi­ca­tion was based on records found with peo­ple’s bod­ies when they were re­cov­ered, the Mex­i­can con­sulate in San Diego said in a news re­lease. The na­tion­al­i­ty of the eighth per­son was un­known.

The con­sulate didn’t pro­vide ages, gen­ders or oth­er in­for­ma­tion about the peo­ple killed in one of the dead­liest mar­itime mi­grant smug­gling op­er­a­tions off U.S. wa­ters. Res­cue au­thor­i­ties have said all were adults.

A Span­ish-speak­ing woman who called 911 said she was among eight peo­ple on a ves­sel that reached shore and that 15 peo­ple were on an­oth­er boat that over­turned. Au­thor­i­ties found two cap­sized boats in shal­low wa­ter amid thick fog late Sat­ur­day.

The Coast Guard sus­pend­ed its search for re­mains on Sun­day. Sur­vivors may have es­caped on land, in­clud­ing the woman who called 911. Au­thor­i­ties did not know her where­abouts.

The Bor­der Pa­trol re­ports hun­dreds of known smug­gling at­tempts each year on the Cal­i­for­nia coast. Car­los González Gutiér­rez, Mex­i­co’s con­sul gen­er­al in San Diego, on Mon­day warned against the per­ilous trip.

“Peo­ple plan­ning to cross the bor­der in­to the Unit­ed States, ei­ther by land or sea, should know that hu­man smug­glers will take ad­van­tage of their need in or­der to ob­tain il­lic­it mon­ey, dis­tort­ing re­al­i­ty, cre­at­ing false ex­pec­ta­tions, and ex­pos­ing them to high-risk con­di­tions where they may lose their lives,” he said.


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