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Monday, February 24, 2025

A second drowning at a Mayaro beach


1419 days ago
Shivanie Ramkarran, 24-year-old drowning victim who died while celebrating her birthday at the beach, on Monday 5th April 2021.

Shivanie Ramkarran, 24-year-old drowning victim who died while celebrating her birthday at the beach, on Monday 5th April 2021.



An­oth­er birth­day cel­e­bra­tion at Ma­yaro beach over the long East­er week­end has end­ed in death.

Guardian Me­dia un­der­stands that 24-year-old Shiv­anie Ramkar­ran went to the beach on Mon­day 5th April to cel­e­brate her birth­day, but she got in­to dif­fi­cul­ties and drowned.

Ac­cord­ing to Ma­yaro Po­lice, Shiv­anie was swim­ming off Dou­ble Bridge, Guayagua­yare, when she got in­to dif­fi­cul­ties.  She went un­der the wa­ter and resur­faced a short while lat­er. She was pulled out and rushed to the dis­trict health fa­cil­i­ty where she was pro­nounced dead around 6 pm.

Ear­li­er on her Face­book page, she had post­ed, "Thank­ful for an­oth­er year of life!"

Shiv­anie is the sec­ond per­son to drown at a beach in Ma­yaro in two days.

On Sun­day, fire of­fi­cer Stephen Mar­cano, 39, was at a beach off Vicks Av­enue, Guayagua­yare, with his fam­i­ly in cel­e­bra­tion of his wife's birth­day, when he ran in­to the chop­py wa­ters to save his rel­a­tive.

The fa­ther of two dis­ap­peared and resur­faced a short while lat­er. He was pro­nounced dead at the Ma­yaro Dis­trict Fa­cil­i­ty.

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